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Thingy91 UART External communication

Hi Dev Team,

I was working on the Nordic Thingy91 and had to establish an external communication of a sensor to the Thingy91 through a UART. 

For this, I was looking into the GPIO's to check which pins can be used for my Tx, Rx, CTS, RTS. 

I found this link : that talked about using anything between P0.18-P0.25 (MCU_IF0-7).

These are said to be connected to the nrf52840 interface. Can I just use these pins for my external UART connection ?

Also, I wanted to know the functions of these Test pads (TP). Can the test pads be also used for UART communication?

If so, how will it be defined in the thingy91_nrf9160_common.dts file. 



Parents Reply
  • Hi Jonathan,

    I tried using my Thingy91 for external uart communication. 

    It all went pretty well except for the receiver pin. Now, I wanted to use any of the pins from MCU_IF[4-7] to test the receiver input..

    For that, I was looking to use MCU_IF[7] : P0.25 by cutting the SB11 and I have configured my UART 1 as follows now : 

    &uart1 {
    	current-speed = <9600>; 
    	status = "okay";
    	tx-pin = <13>;
    	rx-pin = <25>;
    	rts-pin = <14>;

    I just wanted to know if cutting the SB11 would have any have effect on my logging on the LTE Link monitor ?


