We are going to use NRF52832 for a project, and planning to design our own PCB card and assemble the NRF52832 chips, purchased through Digikey or a similar distributor.
My question is, when we purchase sample chips from a distributor like Digikey,
1. do they come with a standard "bootloader" , or do we have to flash a bootloader?
2. for flashing the boot loader, what are the supported interfaces, software tools?
When it comes to the DFU modes, I am of the view that NRF52832 supports DFU over (a). serial and (b). over the air.
Are there any documentation that shows how to ,
1. setup the bootloader to support over the air DFU
2. setup the bootloader to support over the serial
3. How to put the device into bootloader mode? (Reset button and a predefined button?)
At the moment, I am evaluating the functionality of the NRF52832 with a SparkFun breakout board, and I am of the view that their board has their own bootloader? Please advise.
If they do, then for me to flash their bootloader, what are the tools required?
Thanks in advance,