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Battery Level discharge curve, How can I read?

I found this website.

link text

curve is shown below.

image description

There are app_utils.h information below.

  • @brief Function for converting the input voltage (in milli volts) into percentage of 3.0 Volts.
  • @details The calculation is based on a linearized version of the battery's discharge
  •       curve. 3.0V returns 100% battery level. The limit for power failure is 2.1V and
  •       is considered to be the lower boundary.
  •       The discharge curve for CR2032 is non-linear. In this model it is split into
  •       4 linear sections:
  •       - Section 1: 3.0V - 2.9V = 100% - 42% (58% drop on 100 mV)
  •       - Section 2: 2.9V - 2.74V = 42% - 18% (24% drop on 160 mV)
  •       - Section 3: 2.74V - 2.44V = 18% - 6% (12% drop on 300 mV)
  •       - Section 4: 2.44V - 2.1V = 6% - 0% (6% drop on 340 mV)
  •       These numbers are by no means accurate. Temperature and
  •       load in the actual application is not accounted for!
  • @param[in] mvolts The voltage in mV
  • @return Battery level in percent.

I don't understand the above graph look.

How can I split like a source in the app_utils.h?

What are criteria divides?

And can you analyze that graph?

If you analyze, what should I do?

Or is there another way?

Oh.. I use CR2032. I would like to know how to use, even if the other batteries ago.

  • if (mvolts> = 3000)


             battery_level = 100;


         else if (mvolts> 2900)


             battery_level = 100 - ((3000 - mvolts) * 58) / 100;


         else if (mvolts> 2740)


             battery_level = 42 - ((2900 - mvolts) * 24) / 160;


         else if (mvolts> 2440)


             battery_level = 18 - ((2740 - mvolts) * 12) / 300;


         else if (mvolts> 2100)


             battery_level = 6 - ((2440 - mvolts) * 6) / 340;




             battery_level = 0;


  • if (mvolts> = 3000)


             battery_level = 100;


         else if (mvolts> 2900)


             battery_level = 100 - ((3000 - mvolts) * 58) / 100;


         else if (mvolts> 2740)


             battery_level = 42 - ((2900 - mvolts) * 24) / 160;


         else if (mvolts> 2440)


             battery_level = 18 - ((2740 - mvolts) * 12) / 300;


         else if (mvolts> 2100)


             battery_level = 6 - ((2440 - mvolts) * 6) / 340;




             battery_level = 0;


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