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Zephyr BLE static passkey between central and peripheral on two nrf52840s


I am trying to develop a way for a Bluetooth Central and Bluetooth Peripheral using Secure Connections (security mode 1 level 2 if I'm not mistaken) using a static passkey. Both the Central and the Peripheral are nrf52840s, using the Connect SDK/Zephyr on both.

I have managed to get the Zephyr Heart Rate samples running on both devices (central_hr and peripheral_hr), however I am somewhat at a loss of how to change the code to enable static passkeys. Both devices will operate without any IO capability, such that the wanted feature is for the central and peripheral to pair only if they share the same (permanently stored) static passkey.

My understanding is that in order to achieve this, both devices has to communicate their IO capabilities are NoInputNoOutput with the MITM flag set high and CONFIG_BT_FIXED_PASSKEY to be enabled. I would like to build upon the Heart Rate example to test this features success. My questions are:

1) Where in the code should bt_passkey_set(unsigned in passkey) be placed, both for central and peripheral example?

2) How/where do I communicate the Centrals IO capabilities? I've found explanations with regards to the Peripheral, but haven't found this for the Central and don't quite get it from the example code.

3) Is there a possibility to be guided with instructions in order to move from the central_hr + peripheral_hr example to a working "central_hr_static_passkey" + "peripheral_hr_static_passkey"-example?

Code for the central_hr:

Code fir the peripheral_hr:

Please do tell if more information is needed or if I in any way can aid in this inquery.

Thanks a lot in advance,


  • Hi,
    You need to add to prj.conf:
    In main.c make sure that .pairing_confirm callback is NULL like this: 
    static struct bt_conn_auth_cb conn_auth_callbacks = {
    .passkey_display = auth_passkey_display,
    .cancel = auth_cancel,
    .pairing_confirm = NULL,
    .pairing_complete = pairing_complete,
    .pairing_failed = pairing_failed
    Make sure to add to main(): 
    unsigned int passkey = 123456;
    Then it should work out of the box for a device to fake a display with 123456. Also see attachment where I have modified peripheral_lbs.
    For the device with passkey entry you will need to register a .passkey_entry callback in conn_auth_callbacks, make sure to call bt_conn_auth_passkey_entry(with 123456) in the callback.
  • Thanks a lot for your input, @Kenneth. Peripheral seems to work as intended as of now. However, I still struggle to grapple with the Central part. Do you have a good reference/link with regards to how a central connects and communicates with a peripheral in Zephyr? There is a sea of UUIDs, Handles and callbacks and I cannot find a clear explanation how to:

    - Scan for connectable advertising peripherals

    - Connect to a certain peripheral

    - Perform service discovery and be prompted with what is found

    - Perform read and writes to the peripheral from the  central.

    The first two points I can infer from existing code, but the last two I don't see yet how to perform. Hope you can help.

    BR, Jonas

  • Hi Jonas, 

    I am working on a similar one, can you help me understand, how to update the IO capabilities on the peripheral device? and How to update the MITM flag?I could not find any api calls to be used from application layer

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