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PPK2 not turning on

We just got the PPK2 delivered but it won't turn on. If we plug it in using "power only" it lights up but it doesn't do anything when we plug in the "data/power". It also won't show up in the profiler app, tried on both macos and linux.

Should we return it or is there an easy fix?

  • Hi, 

    That is definitely not how it should be. Did you try/do you have access to a Windows machine? Can you please try the following solution:

    Disconnect all other nordic devices from the computer, turn off the kit and remove it from the plastic by removing the four screws. Insert USB to J2 (USB DATA/POWER). Short a connection between GND (e.g on the four pin power output header) to TP34 on the PPK2. While holding the jumper cable, turn the kit on and remove the jumper. Now the PPK2 should be in bootloader again.

    Open the PPK app, and select the device which is now just a serial number.

    When selecting it, the user will be prompted to program the application and it should now be working again. 

    Kind regards,

  • hi,i had the same problem, and I didn't fix it with this method。please help.

    this is my logs: 

    2022-11-30T07:01:07.294Z DEBUG Application data folder: /Users/jession/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect-bluetooth-low-energy/bundle
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.365Z ERROR Failed to get the library versions: JLINKARM_DLL_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED (Origin: "Failed to get module versions.")
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-ble v4.0.0 official
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG App path: /Applications/nRF Connect for Desktop Bluetooth Low
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG nRFConnect 4.0.0, required by the app is (^3.8.0)
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /Applications/nRF Connect for Desktop Bluetooth Low
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG HomeDir: /Users/jession
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG TmpDir: /var/folders/4p/v8x0m1cd3db0w7cbpf2nzm2h0000gn/T/
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.401Z ERROR TypeError: Failed to fetch. Falling back to stored data
    2022-11-30T07:05:43.515Z INFO Selected device with s/n E52D335B73B5
    2022-11-30T07:05:43.520Z DEBUG Device is in DFU-Bootloader, DFU is defined
    2022-11-30T07:05:45.298Z DEBUG Device is in bootloader mode
    2022-11-30T07:05:45.299Z DEBUG Device is in bootloader mode
    2022-11-30T07:05:45.299Z DEBUG E52D335B73B5 on /dev/tty.usbmodemE52D335B73B51 is now in DFU-Bootloader...
    2022-11-30T07:05:45.403Z DEBUG Starting DFU
    2022-11-30T07:05:45.408Z INFO Opening serial port for SDFU programming:. 0%
    2022-11-30T07:05:45.823Z INFO Opening serial port for SDFU programming:. 100%
    2022-11-30T07:05:45.825Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 0%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.101Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 1%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.125Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 2%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.125Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 3%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.265Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 4%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.266Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 5%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.290Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 6%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.436Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 7%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.436Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 8%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.464Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 9%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.464Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 10%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.608Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 11%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.632Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 12%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.633Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 13%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.773Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 14%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.773Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 15%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.797Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 16%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.938Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 17%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.939Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 18%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.963Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 19%
    2022-11-30T07:05:46.963Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 20%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.104Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 21%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.129Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 22%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.129Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 23%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.270Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 24%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.270Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 25%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.294Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 26%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.435Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 27%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.435Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 28%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.459Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 29%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.460Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 30%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.599Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 31%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.624Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 32%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.625Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 33%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.765Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 34%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.790Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 35%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.790Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 36%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.931Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 37%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.931Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 38%
    2022-11-30T07:05:47.955Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 39%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.100Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 40%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.100Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 41%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.120Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 42%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.120Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 43%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.261Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 44%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.285Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 45%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.286Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 46%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.426Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 47%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.426Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 48%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.450Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 49%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.591Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 50%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.592Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 51%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.616Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 52%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.616Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 53%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.757Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 54%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.782Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 55%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.782Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 56%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.923Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 57%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.923Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 58%
    2022-11-30T07:05:48.947Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 59%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.087Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 60%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.087Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 61%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.087Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 62%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.113Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 63%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.252Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 64%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.277Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 65%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.277Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 66%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.418Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 67%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.418Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 68%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.442Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 69%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.583Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 70%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.583Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 71%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.607Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 72%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.608Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 73%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.749Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 74%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.773Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 75%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.773Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 76%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.914Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 77%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.914Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 78%
    2022-11-30T07:05:49.939Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 79%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.079Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 80%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.079Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 81%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.104Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 82%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.104Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 83%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.245Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 84%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.270Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 85%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.270Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 86%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.410Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 87%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.411Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 88%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.435Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 89%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.576Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 90%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.577Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 91%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.601Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 92%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.601Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 93%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.742Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 94%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.766Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 95%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.767Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 96%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.908Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 97%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.908Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 98%
    2022-11-30T07:05:50.932Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 99%
    2022-11-30T07:05:51.072Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 100%
    2022-11-30T07:05:52.054Z INFO Waiting for serial port to be attached: 0%
    2022-11-30T07:05:53.188Z INFO Device was attached: 100%
    2022-11-30T07:05:53.188Z INFO Opening serial port for SDFU programming:. 0%
    2022-11-30T07:05:53.603Z INFO Opening serial port for SDFU programming:. 100%
    2022-11-30T07:05:53.605Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 0%
    2022-11-30T07:05:53.882Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 1%
    2022-11-30T07:05:53.906Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 2%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.052Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 3%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.077Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 4%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.217Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 5%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.245Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 6%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.385Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 7%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.410Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 8%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.550Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 9%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.551Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 10%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.575Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 11%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.715Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 12%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.739Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 13%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.880Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 14%
    2022-11-30T07:05:54.904Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 15%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.044Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 16%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.069Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 17%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.209Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 18%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.233Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 19%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.234Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 20%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.374Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 21%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.399Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 22%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.539Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 23%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.564Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 24%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.704Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 25%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.728Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 26%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.869Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 27%
    2022-11-30T07:05:55.893Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 28%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.033Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 29%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.034Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 30%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.058Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 31%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.198Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 32%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.223Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 33%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.364Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 34%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.389Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 35%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.529Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 36%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.554Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 37%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.695Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 38%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.719Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 39%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.719Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 40%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.860Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 41%
    2022-11-30T07:05:56.885Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 42%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.026Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 43%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.050Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 44%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.191Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 45%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.216Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 46%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.356Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 47%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.381Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 48%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.522Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 49%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.523Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 50%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.547Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 51%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.687Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 52%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.712Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 53%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.853Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 54%
    2022-11-30T07:05:57.878Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 55%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.019Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 56%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.044Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 57%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.184Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 58%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.208Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 59%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.209Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 60%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.349Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 61%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.373Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 62%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.513Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 63%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.538Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 64%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.678Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 65%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.702Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 66%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.842Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 67%
    2022-11-30T07:05:58.867Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 68%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.007Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 69%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.007Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 70%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.032Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 71%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.172Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 72%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.196Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 73%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.336Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 74%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.361Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 75%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.501Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 76%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.526Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 77%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.666Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 78%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.690Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 79%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.830Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 80%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.830Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 81%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.855Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 82%
    2022-11-30T07:05:59.995Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 83%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.019Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 84%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.159Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 85%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.184Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 86%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.324Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 87%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.324Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 88%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.489Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 89%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.513Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 90%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.513Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 91%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.653Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 92%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.678Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 93%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.818Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 94%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.843Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 95%
    2022-11-30T07:06:00.983Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 96%
    2022-11-30T07:06:01.007Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 97%
    2022-11-30T07:06:01.148Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 98%
    2022-11-30T07:06:01.172Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 99%
    2022-11-30T07:06:01.313Z INFO Uploading image through SDFU: 100%
    2022-11-30T07:06:02.697Z INFO All dfu images have been written to the target device
    2022-11-30T07:06:02.697Z DEBUG DFU completed successfully!
    2022-11-30T07:06:02.697Z DEBUG Will wait for device E52D335B73B5
    2022-11-30T07:06:12.710Z DEBUG Timeout when waiting for attachment of device with serial number E52D335B73B5
    2022-11-30T07:06:12.711Z DEBUG DFU failed: Timeout while waiting for device E52D335B73B5 to be attached and enumerated Error: Timeout while waiting for device E52D335B73B5 to be attached and enumerated
    2022-11-30T07:06:12.714Z ERROR Error while setting up device E52D335B73B5: Error: Timeout while waiting for device E52D335B73B5 to be attached and enumerated
    2022-11-30T07:06:12.716Z INFO Device closed.

  •   , please open a new ticket with your issue and provide more details of the problem. Please provide what OS, what version of the PPK2, and what version of nRF Connect for Desktop/Power Profiler you are running.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi, I tested in two OS.

    The one is macOS Monterey (version 12.1).  nRF connect is v3.12.1, Power Profiler is v3.5.2.

    The other is windows 10 (version 22H2), nRF connect is v3.12.0, Power Profiler is v3.5.3.

    I don't know the version of PPK2, but there is a label on the board:






Reply Children
  •  , from the first log you have added, it states the following:

    2022-11-30T07:01:07.294Z DEBUG Application data folder: /Users/jession/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect-bluetooth-low-energy/bundle
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.365Z ERROR Failed to get the library versions: JLINKARM_DLL_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED (Origin: "Failed to get module versions.")
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-ble v4.0.0 official
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG App path: /Applications/nRF Connect for Desktop Bluetooth Low
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG nRFConnect 4.0.0, required by the app is (^3.8.0)
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /Applications/nRF Connect for Desktop Bluetooth Low
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG HomeDir: /Users/jession
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG TmpDir: /var/folders/4p/v8x0m1cd3db0w7cbpf2nzm2h0000gn/T/
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.401Z ERROR TypeError: Failed to fetch. Falling back to stored data
    2022-11-30T07:05:43.515Z INFO Selected device with s/n E52D335B73B5

    This states App pc-nrfconnect-ble v4.0.0 official and shows that you have programmed your PPK2 with incorrect FW. 

    Please open a new DevZone to fix this issue.

    Kind regards,

  • Øyvind,I am sorry, This is my first time to use the DevZone. How to open a new DevZone?
