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PPK2 not turning on

We just got the PPK2 delivered but it won't turn on. If we plug it in using "power only" it lights up but it doesn't do anything when we plug in the "data/power". It also won't show up in the profiler app, tried on both macos and linux.

Should we return it or is there an easy fix?

  • Hi, I tested in two OS.

    The one is macOS Monterey (version 12.1).  nRF connect is v3.12.1, Power Profiler is v3.5.2.

    The other is windows 10 (version 22H2), nRF connect is v3.12.0, Power Profiler is v3.5.3.

    I don't know the version of PPK2, but there is a label on the board:






  •  , from the first log you have added, it states the following:

    2022-11-30T07:01:07.294Z DEBUG Application data folder: /Users/jession/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect-bluetooth-low-energy/bundle
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.365Z ERROR Failed to get the library versions: JLINKARM_DLL_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED (Origin: "Failed to get module versions.")
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-ble v4.0.0 official
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG App path: /Applications/nRF Connect for Desktop Bluetooth Low
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG nRFConnect 4.0.0, required by the app is (^3.8.0)
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /Applications/nRF Connect for Desktop Bluetooth Low
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG HomeDir: /Users/jession
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.389Z DEBUG TmpDir: /var/folders/4p/v8x0m1cd3db0w7cbpf2nzm2h0000gn/T/
    2022-11-30T07:01:07.401Z ERROR TypeError: Failed to fetch. Falling back to stored data
    2022-11-30T07:05:43.515Z INFO Selected device with s/n E52D335B73B5

    This states App pc-nrfconnect-ble v4.0.0 official and shows that you have programmed your PPK2 with incorrect FW. 

    Please open a new DevZone to fix this issue.

    Kind regards,

  • Øyvind,I am sorry, This is my first time to use the DevZone. How to open a new DevZone?
