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nrf52840 configuration and Antenna design for custom board

I want to design custom board for nrf52840. I will be using configuration 5 from Reference Circuit nrf52840. I do not want to use NFC can I leave NFC pins not connected. For antenna design can I use the antenna design in nrf52840 DK?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the help. I have another question. I was reading about GPIO current specification in product specification document. We can source/sink 15 mA current in GPIOs configured in high drive mode. We can source/sink upto 4 mA from GPIO configured in normal drive mode. If we configure GPIO in high drive mode and source current of 15 mA from it can we source 4 mA from other GPIOs that are configured in low drive mode?
    What is total current we can source/sink from all GPIOs?


  • We recommend that total sink + source is <15mA. This will ensure that the chip can still use do all internal operations (e.g. radio) without reduction in performance. 
    If you draw less than min IOH,HDH = 6mA, then the output pin voltage will be (if VDD>=2.7V) >VDD-0.4V. And if you draw less than IOL,HDH = 3mA, then the output pin voltage will be (if VDD>=1.7V) >VDD-0.4V. If you draw more than this, then we don't guarantee >VDD-0.4V.