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Disconnected: 0 BLEHci.remote_user_terminated_connection [using pc_ble_driver_py]


I am using the nordic nRF52840-DK and trying to connect to a nRF52840-Dongle and sending/receiving data to custom services and characteristics using pc_ble_driver_py. I modified the heart rate collector.

But the problem is that when I am connected to the Dongle the connection last 25 to 30 secondes and I receive a message : "Disconnected: 0 BLEHci.remote_user_terminated_connection" and the error message is : "line 477, in write_req attr_handle = self.db_conns[conn_handle].get_char_value_handle(uuid) KeyError: 0". However, when I use the nRF connect mobile/PC version I don't have this problem so I think it is a problem with my code. I check it out if there is some time out equal to like 25_30 secondes but I didn't find any solution.

Could someone help me please to find some solution.

Thanks in advance.



Parents Reply
  • Hello Kenneth,

    I finally succeeded to get a pcapng file. In the line number 2838, you will find that I am able to connect to the blinky dongle. after that I am able to send ON/OFF and receive the state of the led every 3 secondes. and after like 200 secondes, the blinky dongle will disconnect and the python script will show me "Disconnected: 0 BLEHci.conn_interval_unacceptable" and at the line number 17172 in pcapng file you will see "control opcode: LL_TERMINATE_IND".


