Hi, Dev Zone.
thanks for help : )
i'm try to porting DK Board's ble Boanding function to Target Board.
DK is working success.
refer to 16.0.0 SDK and 7.0.1 Soft device
when i boot my target board, it's look like freezing.
target board also using nRF52840 same SDK and softdevice
run on free RTOS
so, i was check "https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/51449/lesc-and-freertos" this issue and adjust it
non inturrupt lib and disable mecro and enough thread size
i find error point, try to solve but i it's hard to me,
error point is here
in cc310_backend_rng.c
err_code = CRYS_RndInit(&p_ctx->crys_rnd_state, p_work_buffer); // Fail
ret_val = result_get(err_code);
before this function, i can check print debug message
and &p_ctx->crys_rnd_state, p_work_buffer
both variable's ram address also
but when PC goto CRYS_RndInit() function it's frozen