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How to evaluate GPS sensitivity of nRF9160 if using active antenna?

Dear Devzone,

At the moment, We do not have methods to measure the GPS sensitivity of our products based on nRF9160.

We are using an active antenna with LNA gain 16dB, NF 1dB.

The Schematic for the GPS part is like below.

We apply a Simulated GPS signal directly to J4. And the minimum level where nRF9160 still could fix coordinates is -129dBm.

Could we use this result including test report of external LNA (from Antenna active) to infer the sensitivity of the device? If yes, how to infer?

Thank you and Best regards,

Ngoc Nguyen

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Ngoc.

    The feedback from the expert on your case:
    Having a look at the schematic one relatively easy modification could be tried: Remove the R47 connecting onboard LNA as there is a risk that the thermal noise rise at point between R47 and C19 with amount of onboard LNA gain (if active), thus decreasing SNR (or C/N0) at RFIC's GPS input. Active antenna gain of 16dB may not over come the risen thermal noise at the point in question. Another option is to disable onboard LNA by SW-control, but it may not be as good solution as removing R47 due to LNA output circuit still loading the external active antenna path.

    Non-signaling CW test (positive SNR test) is mainly meant for production to verify HW connections validity, but it can be used for RFHW debugging as well with given test signal and GPS SNR limit recommendations in documentation.

    Update/correction on my previous comments: I was too quick to talk about onboard external LNA, it looks like not being there, but filter only instead (No onboard ext-LNA??). Then in this case comment "removing R47" should improve the sensitivity. Also It's good to keep in mind that PS's GPS sensitivity figure apply when external LNA with NF 2dB max and gain 16dB min from LNA input to SIP's GPS input, i.e. conducted measurement directly at external LNA (with mentioned specs) input.


  • Additional info:
    Recommendation to use -100dBm "GPS" (in this test CW) signal level is to verify end-product design (noise from LEDs, active ICs, DCDCs, other routing, etc.) is not causing noise leaking into nRF91 GPS input and issues to GPS performance (typical issue in end-products). If GPS signal level would be high in testing, noise from aforementioned sources might not cause issues but in real life field situation as GPS signal levels are typically low, issue would became visible.

    For simplified GPS sensitivity (alike) testing CW SNR test can be used, where only CW signal generator is needed. See for CW SNR test. CW signal generator can be connected directly to nRF91 GPS pin at e.g. -100dBm level, then expected SNR is as in plot "No Ext-LNA". 

    For real GPS sensitivity testing signal generator capable of GPS constellation is needed.

