Hello DevZone,
I want to send a simple AT-Command like: AT\r\n from the ESP32 to the Fanstel BC805M (nRF52805M) breakout board.
Problem: The Esp32 does not get a response from the BC805M.
- The ESP32 is connected by usb cable to my Mac.
- The ESP32 connects the BC805M by four cables -> 3V3->VDD, GND->GND, Rx->Tx, Tx->Rx. Rx and Tx from ESP32 are Serial2 (not the Serial of the programmer).
- The BC805M still has the firmware from delivery. Fanstel points out, that this is "AT-ready" firmware. I can also connect via BLE to it (is this possible when the firmware is "AT-ready"?).
- The ESP32 is flashed by a simple Serial2 write/read arduino code:#include <HardwareSerial.h>
#define RXD2 16
#define TXD2 17
void setup() {
Serial2.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2);
void loop() {
- While monitoring this, the ESP32 receives no answer from BC805M. By this point I would expect to receive an "OK".
Additional Information:
- When I connect the two ESP32 Rx and Tx Serial2 Pins with each other the monitor prints AT AT AT ... (so this works)
- When i connect the ESP32 with the BC805M not by crossing Tx and Rx but like: Rx->Rx, Tx->Tx; I receive the message BlueNor 200622 started! after I pressed the reset button on the BC805M
- The BC805M has a hardware-switch which I can change by hand and which is connected to P004. I am not completely sure about this, but I think this switch changes between "data mode" and "AT-command-mode":
I am not sure if I have to connect the 3V3 also to the P004 to activate "AT-Mode". I already tried this and different switch positions, but nothing worked. - The docs say: "The default baud rate is 115200, one stop bit and no parity". I guess I always respected that.
- connecting solely the BC805M per usb to my mac and running arduino IDE's monitor, the monitor prints absolutely nothing and writing AT-Commands also results in nothing. Weird.
- Could it be possible, that the BC805M is running the wrong firmware?
I appreciate any kind of help on this. All thoughts are welcome and please tell me if you need more information.