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nRF Connect VS Code extension no connected devices


I recently installed the nRF Connect extension for VS Code on my Mac M1. I am unable to see my connected board as part of the nRF Connect extension.


  • nrfjprog version: 10.14.0 external
  • JLinkARM.dll version: 7.54c
  • M1 Macbook

Something odd I noticed is when I ran the nrfjprog command in the terminal I get:

nrfjprog --version --log
ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - The J-Link library does not support execution inside rosetta 2. Try executing with arch -arch arm64 nrfjprog...
ERROR: An internal error has occurred, please try again.

If I run with the suggested option then it completes successfully:

arch -arch arm64 nrfjprog -v
nrfjprog version: 10.14.0 external
JLinkARM.dll version: 7.54c

I am then also able to see the serial number of the debugger connected:

arch -arch arm64 nrfjprog --ids

Am I missing something in my VS Code setup? Is there a known issue with the VS Code extension on M1 mac?

  • We currently recommend to use the intel/x86_64 variant of the SDK development tools:

    "For M1 based Mac machines you need to run the Intel versions of the tools, not the M1 versions. This is due to driver incompatibilities and since we do not have M1-versions of all components we are forced to do this now. Long term goal is to get native M1 support. And for those of you worried about performance: Performance will not be significantly reduced by running the Intel versions for our type of applications.

    The relevant tools are:

    • VS Code
    • nRF Command line tools: Here you need to run version 10.13.0 on M1 due to an issue with 10.14.0. This will be fixed in 10.15.0 to be release within a few weeks.
    • Jlink software from Segger

    The other tools are all intel versions if installed using the Toolchain manager"

  • I am replying to a six month old posting about Apple M1. Is the information I'm replying to still correct? Is there a webpage that accurately describes how to work with Nordic on an M1 platform? There needs to be ONE PLACE that is current and accurate that describes the state of M1 tools.

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