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How to read One Time Programmable (OTP) memory in nRF9160?

Hello Team,

I am facing segmentation fault while reading the OTP memory using pointer in my code. To write the OTP value I have used below command which was successful and also I am able to read OTP section using the read command given below.

$ nrfjprog --memwr 0xFF8108 --val 0xAABBCCDD

$ nrfjprog --memrd 0xFF8108 

But when I try to dereference the address using below code it throws me a segmentation fault. 

#define CLOUD_MODULE_ID_ADDR 0x00FF8108


uint32_t DeviceID = *((const uint32_t *)CLOUD_MODULE_ID_ADDR); 

printk("Device ID: %d\n",DeviceID);


Do I need any special permission to read the OTP section? Because, I could not found any article which talks about how to read the OTP memory for nrf9160. 

Kindly, support me to overcome this issue asap.

Thanks in advanced. 



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