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Sample Azure IoT Hub (Thingy9.1)


I have the same problem as this topic:

I'm using nrf Connect v3.7.1, LTE link monitor v1.1.10. I made the last firmware update 2021-10-20. Sample in the ncs v1.7.1.

Maybe I forgot a step?

Here are the steps I did:


- certificates.h: change name file and add the ca cert, client key and cert. I add it also with LTE link monitor to be sure.

If you have any useful tips or information, thank you in advance for your help!

Voici mes logs et traces :


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi

    * You can also upload client public keys to the Server.

    Does this make sense?

    Sigurd Hellesvik

  • Ok so, the CA server is the certifcate found here azure-iot-sdk-c/certs.c at master · Azure/azure-iot-sdk-c · GitHub give to the device as CA cert . I gave the CA generated that correspond to the CA device to Azure cloud.
    If what I write is correct then I don't understand why I still have error  -111...

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

  • Hi Acti,

    On your device, you have 3 certs, from the following places:

    Client cert: Generated by you
    Client Key: Generated by you
    CA cert: Baltimore CyberTrust Root certificate*

    For DPS group enrollment the server should have 1 cert:

    Root/Intermediate CA cert: Generated by you

    Our documentation advises to use this tutorial to generate certs. You can use other methods, but I advise to use this method first, to see that everything works.
    (* Same about the Baltimore CyberTrust Root; You could possibly be able to use other certs in place of this. But we know that the Baltimore CyberTrust Root works, so at least use this for the first tests, just to see that everything works.)

    If you are still not able to make it work with the above settings, I advise you to try and make the IoT Hub work without DPS first.
    DPS adds a layer of complexity, and will make the issue harder to debug.

    Sigurd Hellesvik
