Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error

Hi I've just started developing with the nrf52840 and Ive been following the official documentation on how to use the programmer shipped with nRF Connect.

Unfortunately when I select the device in the respective menu I get the following error and I'm not able to do anythin on the soc.

Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error

I'm currently using Linux with nrf connect 3.80 and jlink 6.88a (I've tried with nRF Connect 3.9 but I had the exact same issue).

Has anyone managed to solve this problem?

Parents Reply
  • Hi

    Is this in fact an nRF52840 Dongle, or some other third party Dongle? When you connect an nRF52840 Dongle to a computer and select it in the Programmer app (after putting it into Bootloader mode (by pressing the aforementioned "side mounted" button"), it should be found as an Open DFU Bootloader, and described with its address below. Seems strange that it just has 1 number in your case. Can you confirm that the device is in Bootloader mode?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simon, thanks for the reply

    yes I use a nrf52840 dongle. I tested two of them, changed the USB port but I always have the same result.

    Yes I agree I found this strange to have only one number in the description. Moreover, it's always the same number even if I change the dongle. And if I connect 2 dongle at the same time, I see only one device connected.

    I have the red Led flashing so I suppose that I am on the Bootloader mode.

    Best regards,


  • Can you please create a separate ticket for this issue, and we'll look into it there. Since it works for you on Windows (if I haven't misunderstood), please provide details of what manjaro version, etc. you're using on your end and we will look into it. It's likely a problem with the nRF Connect application in Manjaro causing this issue, as the behavior seems very specific, and I think the Dongle's are working as intended.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simon,

    Yes you understood well, it works fine on Windows
    I open a new ticket with my Manjaro version information : case ID  294912

    thank you

    Best regards,

