Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error

Hi I've just started developing with the nrf52840 and Ive been following the official documentation on how to use the programmer shipped with nRF Connect.

Unfortunately when I select the device in the respective menu I get the following error and I'm not able to do anythin on the soc.

Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error

I'm currently using Linux with nrf connect 3.80 and jlink 6.88a (I've tried with nRF Connect 3.9 but I had the exact same issue).

Has anyone managed to solve this problem?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Peter

    I assume the issue you're seeing is "Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error", correct? Is your computer running Linux or Windows? Most likely this is the Dongle not being in Bootloader mode. Does it pulse red when plugged into your computer? If not, please try pressing the side-mounted button on the Dongle to put it back into bootloader mode. You'll have to do this every time you flash new firmware onto the Dongle, as it will jump into the newly flashed application afterwards.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Simon,

    first thanks for your answer!

    1.yes, I do get "Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error

    2.Windows 10 Pro

    3.Dongle IS in bootloader mode (red led breaths at ca. 1Hz). 

    When I plug in the dongle, the red led is not lit. To trigger bootloader mode, I can press the side button OR I can

    select the Dongle "Open DFU bootloader" in "Programmer v3.0.4". Both methods successfully  trigger bootloader mode (red led breaths), with the same error "Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error (Origin: "Error when running nrfdl_fw_read_info")"



  • Okay, can you try enable verbose logging in the Programmer app and upload what you get in the logging information? 

    Also, what does the Dongle show up as in the Programmer app, it should say "Open DFU Bootloader" in the device selection I believe.

    Also, what J-Link version and nrfjprog version do you have installed? This is stated in the Programmer app when you open it.

    Best regards,


  • Is this what you mean "verbose logging"?
    INFO Using @nordicsemiconductor/nrf-device-lib-js to communicate with target via USB SDFU protocol
    ERROR Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error (Origin: "Error when running nrfdl_fw_read_info")
    Dongle does show up as: "Open DFU Bootloader" with the BT MAC address below.
    Using nrf-device-lib-js version: 0.4.13
    Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.12.8
    Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.16.0
    Using JLink version: JLink_V7.66a