GATT CONN TERMINATE LOCAL HOST occurs when bonding with Android


I am developing using nrf52832 (S132 v7.0.1, SDK v17.0.0).

Since I want to bond with Android, I have created a central code that summarizes the functions that I think are necessary by referring to various sample sources.
On Android, a pairing request is displayed, but when I press connect, it becomes GATT CONN TERMINATE LOCAL HOST and I cannot bond.
Does anyone know how to deal with it?

I can't use nRF Sniffer because I don't have two boards.

Best regards.

  • Hi

    Does this GATT CONN TERMINATE LOCAL HOST error come from the Android? What Android device is this you're trying to connect to, and are you using an Android app for BLE scanning and connecting (like nRFConnect) or are you using the standard settings/Bluetooth menu? 

    What example project have you based your nRF52832 application on here? Are you able to connect and bond with the Android device if you try using a default SDK example project? Please also note that If you are using v17.0.0 for development, it is strongly recommended to switch to v17.0.2. As it is a bug fix release to v17.0.0 which had some bug fixes properly handling errata.

    Best regards,


  • Hello.

    The device used for connection is XPERIA SO-03J, and the application used is nRF Connect.
    The sample sources I referred to are "ble_app_blinky_c" and "ble_app_uart_c" of ble_central.
    Should I share the code I'm using? In that case, would you please make it a private ticket?

    It's difficult to change because we work with people other than me in software development.

    Best regards.

  • Hi

    Before we go to a code review and make this ticket private. Have you tried using I.E. the default ble_app_uart_c example project to connect to, and does that result in this local host termination as well?

    Since you're using the Android as a peripheral, how have you set up the advertiser in the nRFConnect app? What advertising data have you added and what services have you added in the Configure GATT server of nRFConnect. It's also worth tweaking the connection parameters and connection supervision timeout in your central applicaton.

    Best regards,


  • Hello.

    I tried to see if it can be bonded with ble_app_uart_c on Android.
    As a result, bonding was not possible.

    I pressed Bond from nRF Connect because Android didn't show the pairing request, but it didn't bond.
    Advertising Data was set to UUID only, and Configure GATT server was set to "Sample configuration".

    Best regards.

  • Hi

    Did you add the Nordic UART service as part of your advertiser on Android, as the application scans peripheral devices and connects to a device that advertises with the NUS UUID in its advertisement report. After connecting, the application enables notifications on the device that delivers the Nordic UART Service.

    Best regards,

