nRF5340-DK programming issue


We are using nRFProgrammer v2.0.1.

After 'Erase All' for nRF5340-DK and power off-on it.

nRFProgrammer seems hang over there. below is the screen capture.

I seek development zone and found below suggestion. Using below statement to recover the board.

nrfjprog -f NRF53 --recover --coprocessor CP_NETWORK

nrfjprog -f NRF53 --recover

Yes, it works.

Do you have any comment on it? Is this a bug on nRFProgrammer? 



  • Hi,

    I reproduced the problem with the Programmer application.

    My setup consisted of Windows 10 Enterprise, nRF5340 DK (PCA10095, 2.0.0), Programmer 2.0.1 and Visual Studio Code v1.62.3. I used "Hello World" example with build configuration for the board nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp. I flashed the program successfully and could read the content. 
    After pressing "Erase All" in the Programmer and switching OFF and ON, I got the same result. Power cycling the device enables readback protection. Option --recover in nrfjprog command disables the readback protection so that flashing can be performed again and option --recover is required after each power cycle. 

  • Hi,

    This is good to hear that you can re-produce the same situation. We will try using nrfjprog --recover to overcome this issue.

    If either core (application core or Network core) is readout protected, can nrfjprog --recover can overcome this matter?

    say, like below.

    I read out application note nAN42, nRF5340 production programming. How can we use nRFjprog to meet production programming flow? Do you have any examples (batch file) for reference?

  • Hi,

    This is good to hear that you can re-produce the same situation. We will try using nrfjprog --recover to overcome this issue.

    If either core (application core or Network core) is readout protected, can nrfjprog --recover can overcome this matter?

    say, like below.

    I read out application note nAN42, nRF5340 production programming. How can we use nRFjprog to meet production programming flow? Do you have any examples (batch file) for reference?

  • Hi,

    For the first question, nrfjprog is recommended to be used to recover cores. The normal sequence would be to remove the protection sequentially, first from the network and then from the application core. This is done using nrfjprog --recover --coprocessor CP_NETWORK and nrfjprog --recover --coprocessor CP_APPLICATION.

    For the second question, you could take a look at nrfjprog command options listed on For specific operations, you could use nrfjprog like this:

    - protecting    nrfjprog --rbp

    - disabling protection    nrfjprog --recover

    - halting the core    nrfjprog --halt

    - program     nrfjprog --program <hex_file>

    -verify     nrfjrog --verify <hex_file>

    You could then include abovementioned commands in one .bat file.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    Let me check with customer first and let you know later.

    BR, Charles

  • Hi, 

        We already try the "nrfjprog --recover" command, it still can't unlock the network core. Below is the screen capture for reference. The NETWORK CORE still under protected.

    Do you have any comment on this issue?

    For above suggestion on production programming, we have below question.

    - protecting    nrfjprog --rbp

    how to project just APPLICATION CORE or NETWORK CORE?

    BR, Charles
