Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device.

 I am trying to program an nRF9160 using a Segger Flasher Compact with J-Link version 7.60e and nrfjprog version 10.15.2 on a machine running 64-bit Windows 10. This was working for a few days but stopped working this morning although nothing changed. I have read through the forum about other people experiencing the same issue and tried all of the fixes suggested. I uninstalled and reinstalled both JLink and the nRF Command Line tools to the latest version. I have tried both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of these with no success. 

The flasher does appear under device manager: 

Running nrfjprog --com I can see the Flasher:

Can someone please tell me why it is appearing as an unsupported device in nRF Connect for desktop and failing with the command line tools?

  • Good evening,

    I know you say this is no longer an issue with newer versions, but since the most recent update was forced on me I can no longer connect my nRF5340 to Visual Studio Code with the "connected devices" and using the Programmer, my development kit shows up as "J-Link" and gives that message "the detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device".


    It's resolved for now: I followed the advice here 

     the last version 2023.4.148 of nRF Connect for VS Code can't found JLink devices 

    and set the extension setting default provider. Change that to nrfjprog. suggested by Priyanka 

  • Okay this was my bad - nothing to do with updates, turns out you need the nRF current measurement pins P22 to be shorted in order to flash the board - i had removed the trace-shorting for the Power Profiler Kit - didn't know that's required to flash. so a jumper in place and we're back in business.

  • HI Kurt,

    Glad to know that everything has been resolved.



  • Thank you for the reply. 

    I'm experiencing a bit of a road block right now, though, regarding battery power.

    I have a nRF5340 development kit and I'm ready to test as a stand-alone. However, it won't turn on using the battery. I pulled the tab and checked the voltage of the CR2032 that came with it: 3.2V

    Is there some code that needs to be injected or a trace that needs to be jumped or cut to make this work?

    Thanks in advance

  • Hello everyone,

    I am also getting the error message: "Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device." from the Programmer application.

    We are using a nRF52-DK boards for flashing our boards in the development team.
    nRF Connect SDK used is v2.4.0.
    During product development one year ago, everything was working fine. Now we tried to work on bug fixes and discovered, that some things must have changed:
    In the Programmer tool, the device is not anymore recognized as nRF52-DK device, but as J-Link device, see image 1.
    Also in VS Code, the device is no longer recognized as nRF52-DK but only by a serial number, see image 2.

    When i try to connect to the device in the programmer tool i get the error message mentioned above and can not use the tool.
    In VS Code, i had to change one parameter in the settings in order to make flashing possible again, unfortunately i do not remember which one it was anymore. It believe it was Nrf-connect: Device Provider: -> set to nrfjprog.

    Image 1:

    Image 2:

    Image 3:

    Best Regards
