Device Tree Overlay throws up warnings

I'm using VS 1.7.1 on Windows 10, with the nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns

Playing around with myFirstApp from the VS Youtube Tutorials, I wanted to redirect output to uart2 and map uart2 to pins on the headers. I did this using an 'app.overlay' file as per Zephyr docs:

&uart2 {
    current-speed = <115200>;
    status = "okay";
    tx-pin = <10>;
    rx-pin = <11>;
    rts-pin = <12>;
    cts-pin = <13>;

It works well, but throws up a lot of 'nrf52832' based warnings in the PROBLEMS tab:

Any thoughts ? I'm reluctant to take my evaluation much further until I can understand and clear these.

  • Hello,

    Are you using the nrf9160dk? or other board based on nrf52832?

    If it is the 9160dk the name of the overlay file should be nrf9160_nrf9160_ns.overlay and not app.overlay. Also if you are using the 9160dk, the build should be to the nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns, looking at the photo it seems that you built to the nrf52dk_nrf52832.

    Best regards.

  • Yes definitely using nrf9160dk and building for nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns. Wasn't exactly sure what to call the overlay file, so I opted for the simple 'app.overlay', as suggested in the Zephyr documentation. But I tried nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns.overlay, and it works, but I still get lots of warnings. Different ones though. see below.

    Note that I've also been re-starting VS to clear the PROBLEMS tab, so I'm pretty sure the problems are real and current.

    Apologies for the screen shot pics, I don't know yet how to cut-paste from the PROBLEMS tab

  • What you should care about is the actual build output, see below image

    If you don't get any warnings/errors here, you should be good.

    The warnings from the PROBLEMS tab comes from the VS code nRF Conenct extension I believe. However, I see that all these warnings may cause confusion. I have contacted some developers internally about this and will get back to you.

    Best regards,


  • What you should care about is the actual build output, see below image

    If you don't get any warnings/errors here, you should be good.

    The warnings from the PROBLEMS tab comes from the VS code nRF Conenct extension I believe. However, I see that all these warnings may cause confusion. I have contacted some developers internally about this and will get back to you.

    Best regards,


  • I got some more insight from a developer internally. The warnings you see comes from the dts file in the nRF9160 board (zephyr\boards\arm\nrf9160dk_nrf9160) and soc (C:\v1.8.0\zephyr\dts\arm\nordic) folders. The extension is a bit more strict than the compiler, and warns about things that could be problematic, but that would still compile. All the warnings in the screenshot could be appropriate if you're creating your own custom board as they're pointing out potential errors (except maybe for the compatible warning in the root node).

    Warnings that comes from the devkit (like the warnings you're getting), where they're consciously broken are just noise. However, the developers working on this are aware of it, and the confusion it causes for customer. I will keep you updated.

  • Many thanks, I wont worry about ti for now, and my stuff builds and works just fine.
