Debugging with Monitor Mode on NCS


while using the SoftDevice with MPSL on NCS/Zephyr (nRF52840), there will be a HardFault triggered without using Monitor Mode when a breakpoint is hit.

I understand, why this is happening and already searched for enabling Monitor Mode with Zephyr/NCS but only found the following old answer which claims that it is not possible to use Monitor Mode with NCS:

Now i searched a little bit more and found this post which is not anwered until now so i wanted to ask if there is a guide on how to enable monitor mode while using NCS?

Thank you for your help and with kind regards,


Parents Reply
  • Martin Weinberg said:
    Ok, that means it IS possible to use monitor mode with NCS to tame the SoftDevice/MPSL? Great news, thank you for that!

    I don't know yet. I still don't know how the kernel will react to a blocking ISR.

    From my limited understanding of the scheduler, a blocking ISR will block all threads regardless of the ISR's or the thread's priority. And if that's the case then we need the MMD ISR to schedule a blocking thread of a given priority, and exit the ISR immediately instead of blocking. 

    For the time being I recommend using Segger's SystemView:

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