nrf9160 NIDD testing

Hi, i am using nrf9160 with jio nbiot which supports nidd protocol. Which code sample i should use for testing nidd?

  • Hello, 

    There is no sample targeting NIDD specifically. We do have a the modem shell sample which allows you to test this. Have a look at my answers in this ticket

    Kind regards,

  • Hi, I spoke with JIO team. they are saying they have their own NIDD based JPP(JioThings Proprietary Protocol ) for sending and receiving data. I have to integrate this NIDD based protocol into Nrf9160 modem shell example(if that's work for this purpose).

  • Hello, 
    What does the JioThings Proprietary Protocol need to run? Difficult for me to tell what you need to start based JioThings Proprietary Protocol. You will need to provide more details. 

    Here is an example to configure NIDD in MoSH, using shell command link:

    mosh:~$ link
    Usage: link <subcommand> [options]
      status:       Show status of the current connection (no options)
      settings:     Option to print or reset all persistent
                    link subcmd settings.
      coneval:      Get connection evaluation parameters (no options)
      defcont:      Set custom default PDP context config.
                    Persistent between the sessions.
                    Effective when going to normal mode.
      defcontauth:  Set custom authentication parameters for
                    the default PDP context. Persistent between the sessions.
                    Effective when going to normal mode.
      connect:      Connect to given apn by creating and activating a new PDP
      disconnect:   Disconnect from given apn by deactivating and destroying
                    a PDP context
      rsrp:         Subscribe/unsubscribe for RSRP signal info
      ncellmeas:    Start/stop neighbor cell measurements
      msleep:       Subscribe/unsubscribe for modem sleep notifications
      tau:          Subscribe/unsubscribe for modem TAU pre-warning notifications
      funmode:      Set/read functional modes of the modem
      sysmode:      Set/read system modes of the modem
                    Persistent between the sessions. Effective when
                    going to normal mode.
      nmodeat:      Set custom AT commmands that are run when going to normal
      nmodeauto:    Enabling/disabling of automatic connecting and going to
                    normal mode after the bootup. Persistent between the sessions.
                    Has impact after the bootup
      edrx:         Enable/disable eDRX with default or with custom parameters
      psm:          Enable/disable Power Saving Mode (PSM) with
                    default or with custom parameters
    mosh:~$ link defcont
    Usage: link defcont --enable [options] | --disable | --read
      -r, --read,         Read and print current config
      -d, --disable,      Disable custom config for default PDP context
      -e, --enable,       Enable custom config for default PDP context
      -a, --apn, [str]    Set default Access Point Name
      -f, --family, [str] Address family: 'ipv4v6' (default), 'ipv4', 'ipv6',

    mosh:~$ link funmode --pwroff
    Network registration status: not registered
    mosh:~$ link defcont -e -a "non-ip.apn" -f "non-ip"
    link defcont enabled
    mosh:~$ link funmode --normal
    Functional mode set successfully: normal
    Network registration status: Connected - home network
    etc etc
    mosh:~$ sock connect -f packet -t raw
    Socket open and connect family=3, type=3, port=0, bind_port=0, pdn_cid=0, address=
    Socket created socket_id=0, fd=4
    mosh:~$ sock send -d foodata2 -i 0
    Socket data send:
    RRC mode: Connected
    RRC mode: Idle

    Kind regards,

  • Hello, 
    What does the JioThings Proprietary Protocol need to run? Difficult for me to tell what you need to start based JioThings Proprietary Protocol. You will need to provide more details. 

    Here is an example to configure NIDD in MoSH, using shell command link:

    mosh:~$ link
    Usage: link <subcommand> [options]
      status:       Show status of the current connection (no options)
      settings:     Option to print or reset all persistent
                    link subcmd settings.
      coneval:      Get connection evaluation parameters (no options)
      defcont:      Set custom default PDP context config.
                    Persistent between the sessions.
                    Effective when going to normal mode.
      defcontauth:  Set custom authentication parameters for
                    the default PDP context. Persistent between the sessions.
                    Effective when going to normal mode.
      connect:      Connect to given apn by creating and activating a new PDP
      disconnect:   Disconnect from given apn by deactivating and destroying
                    a PDP context
      rsrp:         Subscribe/unsubscribe for RSRP signal info
      ncellmeas:    Start/stop neighbor cell measurements
      msleep:       Subscribe/unsubscribe for modem sleep notifications
      tau:          Subscribe/unsubscribe for modem TAU pre-warning notifications
      funmode:      Set/read functional modes of the modem
      sysmode:      Set/read system modes of the modem
                    Persistent between the sessions. Effective when
                    going to normal mode.
      nmodeat:      Set custom AT commmands that are run when going to normal
      nmodeauto:    Enabling/disabling of automatic connecting and going to
                    normal mode after the bootup. Persistent between the sessions.
                    Has impact after the bootup
      edrx:         Enable/disable eDRX with default or with custom parameters
      psm:          Enable/disable Power Saving Mode (PSM) with
                    default or with custom parameters
    mosh:~$ link defcont
    Usage: link defcont --enable [options] | --disable | --read
      -r, --read,         Read and print current config
      -d, --disable,      Disable custom config for default PDP context
      -e, --enable,       Enable custom config for default PDP context
      -a, --apn, [str]    Set default Access Point Name
      -f, --family, [str] Address family: 'ipv4v6' (default), 'ipv4', 'ipv6',

    mosh:~$ link funmode --pwroff
    Network registration status: not registered
    mosh:~$ link defcont -e -a "non-ip.apn" -f "non-ip"
    link defcont enabled
    mosh:~$ link funmode --normal
    Functional mode set successfully: normal
    Network registration status: Connected - home network
    etc etc
    mosh:~$ sock connect -f packet -t raw
    Socket open and connect family=3, type=3, port=0, bind_port=0, pdn_cid=0, address=
    Socket created socket_id=0, fd=4
    mosh:~$ sock send -d foodata2 -i 0
    Socket data send:
    RRC mode: Connected
    RRC mode: Idle

    Kind regards,

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