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Working NRF9160 SD Card Example on SDK 1.9.0

First off, It's great you guys are setting a high pace with development and improving the SDK but I and I think many other people would like it if you change a full version of the SDK provide low-level examples, Like basic uart,spi,i2c, things that matter for most hardware developers. We currently have no reference again how with the changed infrastructure of 1.9.0 we can make certain peripherals work.

Now the problem at hand. I have tried to setup a SD card on the 1.9.0 SDK but have zero activity on Pins I have selected. I am using a custom board but for testing now I am using a devkit with the SPI pins one of the older devkits. To check if anything is happening on the SPI I/O I have attached a logic analyser but It shows zero action. If I am correct CS pin should at least be held high. I have added the current file I am using and I have referred to the following existing forum posts in hopes of getting anything out of the FAT FS example.

I am also new to the whole VC environment maybe I am building it wrong that's why I also included the current version I build.
