Unable to connect to external SoC using nRF52833 DK


We are trying to connect to connect to a MINEW MS88SF23 SoC from our nRF52833 DK.

For all tests, nRF power source switch is set to VDD, nRF ONLY switch is set to DEFAULT, and the power switch is set to ON. The DK is powered by USB from a Windows 10 laptop.

We have done a few attempts.

Attempt 1:

Nordic DK and MINEW Chip

We are powering the external board from one of the VDD ports on the development kit (red cable).

Running the command "nrfjprog --memrd 0x10000060 --n 8 -f NRF52" as suggested here produced the same DEVICEID whether the external SoC was connected to the Debug Out P19 10-pin connector or not.

We checked continuity from the board to the pins on the external SoC and it was OK. We also checked that there was a voltage differance between the VDD and GND wires (i think it was 2.9V) but the instant I did the measurement the DK disconnected from the computer. Then the voltage between the pins dropped to 1.6V. We also have a CR 2032 battery on the DK, so I assume it was the power source now that the USB power dissapeared. I don't understand why the DK disconnected because of a voltage measurement with a multimeter.


Attempt 2:

We attempted to solder SB47 on the DK to power the SoC directly from the 10-pin P19 connector. Then tried these two newly wired MINEW chips (excuse the bad wiring)

Result was:

nrfjprog --memrd 0x10000060 --n 8 -f NRF52
ERROR: No debuggers were discovered


Attempt 3:

We put a 3V CR 2032 battery in for the external SoC and used a DK that did not have SB47 soldered. 

For the SoC pictured to the right in Attempt 2, we got the following:

nrfjprog --memrd 0x10000060 --n 8 -f NRF52
ERROR: Unable to connect to a debugger.ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".

For the one to the left we got:

nrfjprog --memrd 0x10000060 --n 8 -f NRF52 --log
ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - 10 second timeout elapsed, no time left to wait for debug port to power up.
ERROR: nrfjprog failed for an unknown reason. Run the same command again with
ERROR: argument --log, contact Nordic Semiconductor and provide the generated
ERROR: log.log file to them.

Which produced the following log:


For the one on the right we got:

 nrfjprog --memrd 0x10000060 --n 8 -f NRF52 --log
ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - 10 second timeout elapsed, no time left to wait for debug port to power up.
ERROR: nrfjprog failed for an unknown reason. Run the same command again with
ERROR: argument --log, contact Nordic Semiconductor and provide the generated
ERROR: log.log file to them.

which produced the following log:

[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\nrfjprog.exe --memrd 0x10000060 --n 8 -f NRF52 --log 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] nrfjprog version 10.15.4 external
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] Load library at C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\nrfjprog.dll.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [ Client] - open
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [ Client] - start
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence 574b1724-487f-4053-ad76-90555eb75790.

[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 110 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [ Client] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [  JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [  nRF52] - open
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [  nRF52] - just_check_family
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink\JLink_x64.dll.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 7.58.b loaded.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 10 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [  nRF52] - enum_emu_con_info
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_con_info
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 7 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [  nRF52] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_enum_emu_snr
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_get_num_emus
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger logging enabled.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Feb  2 2021 16:47:20
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Feb  2 2021 16:47:20
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Hardware: V1.00
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - S/N: 685371889
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - OEM: SEGGER
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 75.614ms returns "O.K."  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.294ms returns 0  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.003ms returns 0x01  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.003ms returns 0x00  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.008ms returns 0x00  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.014ms returns 0  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.413ms returns 0x00  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.185ms  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSN()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.006ms returns 685371889  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_idr
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_register
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - coresight_configure
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 101.116ms returns 0  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.259ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.406ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.140ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.171ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.099ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.210ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.236ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.179ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.175ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.200ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.337ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.277ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.430ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.336ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.347ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:47] [trace] [ Client] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 343 milliseconds with result -102
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.371ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.096ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.242ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.154ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.142ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.177ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.160ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.350ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.315ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.193ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.209ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.253ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.329ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.304ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.164ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.359ms  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [ Worker] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 342 milliseconds with result -102
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [  nRF52] - close
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.068ms returns 0x01  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_disconnect_from_emu
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_device
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsConnected()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.160ms returns FALSE  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.206ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.336ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.325ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.304ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.275ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.315ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.318ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.311ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.273ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.130ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.130ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.173ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.198ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.110ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.102ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.200ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.120ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.184ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.173ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.158ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.184ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.194ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.313ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.148ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.094ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.080ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.100ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.108ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.090ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.099ms returns -1  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [error] [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.067ms  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Close()  
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [ Client] - Command close executed for 123 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [ Client] - terminate
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [ Client] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger Backend closed.
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [  nRF52] - nRF family DLL closed
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [ Worker] - Command close executed for 123 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [ Worker] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [ Worker] - Executed 5 commands for 482 milliseconds
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [ Client] - Child process terminated with result 0
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [trace] [ Client] - Executed 5 commands for 591 milliseconds
[2022-Apr-07 13:55:48] [debug] [ Client] - terminate


What can we do to get closer to being able to connect to the external SoC? The MINEW chips have been used succesfully for a previous master's thesis before using the method in Attempt 1 (but the previous users might have failed to mention something for us)

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Kenneth

    We have done the wiring proper this time (I think??) according to the programming external board description you sent.

    We have a much better setup now that allows us to swap things around

    But still the output is:

    nrfjprog --memrd 0x10000060 --n 8 -f NRF52 --log
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: Unable to connect to a debugger.
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: [SeggerBackend] - JLinkARM.dll reported "-1", "An unknown error.".
    ERROR: JLinkARM DLL reported an error. Try again. If error condition
    ERROR: persists, run the same command again with argument --log, contact Nordic
    ERROR: Semiconductor and provide the generated log.log file to them.

    We tried starting without the RESET pin connected to the DK, tried removing the RESET pin after the DK connected to the PC, and tried with the RESET pin connected. The output is the same in the terminal for all cases.

    This is the .log file with reset pin inserted:


    Maybe it's a bit sketchy that we are pulling VDD from another part of the board? (yellow cable to the right in the pic)

    Really feel like we did it correct this time...

  • And connect vtg to vdd_nrf, and gnd to gnd_detect.


  • Thanks again Kenneth! It works!!

    We now have RESET, SWDCLK, SWDIO, VTG and VDDnRF connected to the MINEW chip from the P20 port. And we connected GND on MINEW to GND on the P1 port. We didn't need GND_DETECT for it to work when having GND on P1 :) It also works when we use VDD on P1 instead of VDDnRF on P20.
