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NRF extension in VS Code is not loading up


I have made a lot of work with nrf52840 microcontroller and i am in pre-production stage.

NRF Connect is not loading in vs code.

I have tried to uninstall/reinstall both VS code and NRF extensions with no success.

What exactly happened, how can i fix that?

Thanks in advance,


  • Hello Thanos,

    thanosPr said:
    Very strange issue.

    I agree, it is indeed a strange issue which I haven’t experienced before.

    thanosPr said:
    Could you please help me about that?

    Could you please try the following:

    • Uninstall nRF Connect for VS Code and all its dependencies within VS Code
    • Uninstall VS Code
    • Remove the folder ../Users/<your-user-name>/AppData/Roaming/Code
    • Reinstall VS Code
    • Start VS Code, there should not be any configurations/workspace left from the previous installation
    • Reinstall nRF Connect for VS Code

    Thanks & regards,


  • Yes!

    Removing the folder ../Users/<your-user-name>/AppData/Roaming/Code was the only step that i missed!

    I suppose that is critcal step about my issue!

    Thank you very much Albrecht!

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