Example For Using UART DFU on NRF52832 on both sides of communications


I am trying to figure out which example is the closest fit for our design. We are using a 2 processor solution in our product, and the firmware for the NRF52832 has to be able to be upgraded via the UART connection to the main processor. I have found some examples here, but usually it's using a PC application or over the air which does not apply to our design. Also, I'm confused abut some of the examples on the side of the NRF52832 in terms of performing the update. There are references to a "full modem" update, but what is meant by modem? This will be a simple direct UART communication update, is this done via the application on the Nordic chip or can it be done via the bootloader directly?

This has to be a common approach, I'm just unsure where to start. Note I am using the latest SDK release 1.9.1.

Thanks for your help.



  • Hi Again,

    Forget the question related to using the UART, I can figure that out myself by referencing the serial drivers directly in my SDK.

    I think I need to focus my question on the usage of the bootloader to directly update the image. I would prefer to have all of the update support handled within the bootloader image. If this requires the usage of the mcumgr/smp protocol, then I can incorporate that within my main processor controlling the upgrade process.

    Can I include all support for the firmware image update via the UART within the bootloader code? And if so, is the smp protocol the only option?



  • Pamela Keiles said:
    Can I include all support for the firmware image update via the UART within the bootloader code? And if so, is the smp protocol the only option?

    Yes, you can do this. If you want to perform a UART DFU through mcuboot you need to use smp/mcumgr protocol. However, only a limited set of commands are supported, as you see here: https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-mcuboot/blob/v1.8.99-ncs1/boot/boot_serial/src/boot_serial.c#L502-L527 

    If you want to drop the smp/mcumgr, you need to modify MCUboot, which might require less work that using the smp/mcumgr protocol (where you need to implement the protocol on the client side).

    The modification of mcuboot, will happen to the function boot_serial_input(), and instead of parsing the incoming messages as mcumgr commands, you simply store the image blocks right into flash where it belongs.

    Please let me know what approach you prefer, and I will assist you with the implementation.

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