Nrf v1.9.1 Openthread application not building: nrfxlib/nrf_802154/driver/src/nrf_802154_request_direct.c:196:66: error: macro "REQUEST_FUNCTION" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 1


I am bumping my NRF Connect SDK application to nrf v1.9.1. However, I am getting the following error: `nrfxlib/nrf_802154/driver/src/nrf_802154_request_direct.c:196:66: error: macro "REQUEST_FUNCTION" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 1`. Could it be that `REQUEST_FUNCTION(nrf_802154_csma_ca_start, p_data, p_metadata);` should be replaced by `REQUEST_FUNCTION_PARMS(nrf_802154_csma_ca_start, p_data, p_metadata);'?

Thanks in advance


  • Hi

    The build error occurs when the config 'CONFIG_NRF_802154_SL_OPENSOURCE=y' is added. the macro `REQUEST_FUNCTION` (inside nrf_802154_request_direct.c) expects only 1 argument, however inside `nrf_802154_request_csma_ca_start` can be found that the macro is getting 3 arguments: `REQUEST_FUNCTION(nrf_802154_csma_ca_start, p_data, p_metadata);` which seems wrong to me. You can reproduce the error by checking out nrf v1.9.1 and building the openthread coap_server sample with the addition of `CONFIG_NRF_802154_SL_OPENSOURCE=y` in the prj.conf using the following command: `west build -b nrf52840dongle_nrf52840 -p`.


  • I am able to reproduce this, and it seems to be an issue in the minimal_rcp overlay of the coprocessor as well.
    I have informed our developers about this, and will return when I see that is has been fixed or when I find a workaround for this.

    Thanks for reporting this

    Sigurd Hellesvik

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