Nrf v1.9.1 Openthread application not building: nrfxlib/nrf_802154/driver/src/nrf_802154_request_direct.c:196:66: error: macro "REQUEST_FUNCTION" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 1


I am bumping my NRF Connect SDK application to nrf v1.9.1. However, I am getting the following error: `nrfxlib/nrf_802154/driver/src/nrf_802154_request_direct.c:196:66: error: macro "REQUEST_FUNCTION" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 1`. Could it be that `REQUEST_FUNCTION(nrf_802154_csma_ca_start, p_data, p_metadata);` should be replaced by `REQUEST_FUNCTION_PARMS(nrf_802154_csma_ca_start, p_data, p_metadata);'?

Thanks in advance


Parents Reply
  • Hi

    I were unsure about this, so I asked our developers about the issue.

    They say that while CONFIG_NRF_802154_SL_OPENSOURCE have worked fine with Thread 1.1, the opensource drivers does not support CSL, which is required for Thread 1.2.

    And with Thread, certification is important. Even if you are able to change our SDK to use the opensource drivers, it would not be certified then.

    Because of this, we recommend that you do not use CONFIG_NRF_802154_SL_OPENSOURCE, but rather disable CONFIG_MPSL another way.
    Have you tried disabling it manually, by setting CONFIG_MPSL=n?

    Sigurd Hellesvik
