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External antenna J1 insert connector in nRF52833-DK

Hello! I use EK42423-03 and 52833-DK

Previous case 

I understand plugging in the SWF connector, Will disconnecting from the PCB antenna and routing the signal to the cable.


LS ->GND CTRL -> P0.26 ; GND -> GNDVDD -> VDDJ1 RFC -> J1 ANT 

First follow this pic.

I added code in nrf52833dk_nrf52833.dts

ant1: ant_1 {
gpios = <&gpio0 26 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /*CTRL*/
label = "ANT 1";

Using multimeter can measure from RF2 to Refer to the pic.

RF1 = 0Ω 

RF2 = 20Ω 

But why? EK42423-03 "J1"  insert 52833-DK "J1" After Refer to the pic.

RF1 = 0Ω 

RF2 = 0Ω 

I do not know what is causing.

Sorry, it's been two months and I still can't do it...

But I still hope you can give me advice!

Thanks again for your support.

  • Hi

    There is no point in looking at the raw IQ data as it needs to be converted into vector form to review it properly. You can check out this page for information on the various formulas used to translate IQ data between polar and rectangular form. Nordic will not provide the direction finding algorithm, and customers/users are expected to get that elsewhere. In order to use the IQ data you get from the beacon you will need an AOA algorithm, which we don't provide. 

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    There is no point in looking at the raw IQ data as it needs to be converted into vector form to review it properly. You can check out this page for information on the various formulas used to translate IQ data between polar and rectangular form. Nordic will not provide the direction finding algorithm, and customers/users are expected to get that elsewhere. In order to use the IQ data you get from the beacon you will need an AOA algorithm, which we don't provide. 

    Best regards,


  • I have a set of algorithms, but this is not the part that I am currently able to do.

    Back to the topic.

    The AoA mode still cannot be switched according to the antenna matrix configuration, am I doing something wrong?

    At the moment it looks like I'm only getting data from a single antenna.