Issue with compiler and debug in VS Code with nRF Connect

I/my admin  installed the SDK and visual studio though the nRF connect tool chain manager.

When i open visual studio through the toolchain manager it prompts me

to "Select a kit for..."

with the two option 

Scan for kits (...compilers...)


When I try to debug it gives me the message 

Unable to start debugging: Unable to find J-Link directory to find JLinkGDBServerCL executable. Please make sure that J-Link is installed and that the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SEGGER\J-Link' registry key is defined correctly.

This is installed on a admin controlled machine where I just have a user profile.

Any insight you can provide into how to resolve this would be appreciated.

I will need to pass on the fix to my administrator as I have no control over the installation.

Is there an issue with installing as an administrator and running as a user?

Issues with Debugging using VScode with nRF connect and nrf sdk2.docx

When I select scan for kits nothing happens 

When i select unspecified:

[variant] Loaded new set of variants

[kit] Successfully loaded 0 kits from C:\Users\deirdre.hackett\AppData\Local\CMakeTools\cmake-tools-kits.json

[kit] Successfully loaded 0 kits from C:\Users\deirdre.hackett\AppData\Local\CMakeTools\cmake-tools-kits.json

[main] Configuring folder: hello_world_test5


As it is not related to original topic of the ticket, you should register a new ticket. That said, the "select a kit for..." message is not related to the nRF Connect for VS Code extension but another extension in VS Code I believe. It is unfortunately misleading, and it can be ignored.

In you case, you should check what devices are connected under "Connected devices" in the nRF Connect extension

I will forward your feedback to our VS code extension team, as this is valuable information in regards to user experience. 

Dtyn said:

When I try to debug it gives me the message 

Unable to start debugging: Unable to find J-Link directory to find JLinkGDBServerCL executable. Please make sure that J-Link is installed and that the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SEGGER\J-Link' registry key is defined correctly.


What debug button are you clicking? Make sure to use the one in our extension: 

 Yes I am definitely pressing the debug button in the nRF Connect extension.

My admin installed everything in his admin profile other than VS code that he installed as a network device.

Let me know if there other information you need to see.

Is this an issue with an environment variable or registry key.

  • Yes, sorry, I realized that you had pointed those details out in one of the first comments.

    Based on that, can you please ask you administrator to assist you with this issue. It seems that you might not have access to the registry in some way. Can you ask the admin to verify the registry key is indeed configured correctly, and if so verify that your user has access to it?

    I'm afraid we do not have a good solution to why it fails to find the JLink SW. Our SW team will investigate and see if there are any work arounds, but they fear that there is not.
