I am just getting started with the Nrf52840 dongle and trying to flash a few examples from the SDK. I was able to flash the "blinky" example just fine using the programmer application, however I was not able to do the same with the ble_blinky example. I am able to add the hex files for the code and soft device, but when I write to the dongle I receive two messages: "Does not need to be reloaded: <path for soft device>" and "Does not need to be reloaded: <path for code>". The board remains in the reset state and it does not appear as though anything has been written to the board despite the lack of a red error message being displayed. I have had another individual attempt to write to the dongle and they encountered the same issue. I am fairly new to this device and software, so I would appreciate any guidance on what I may be doing wrong in this process. Thank you for your assistance.