Error Retrieving LC3 Codec Repo

I keep getting an error when trying to do a west update with regards to the LC3 codec.  This is on my Mac Mini M1.  I know my credentials are valid, as I can log into Github and view the LC3 repo via the browser.

I used the following 2 commands to update the SDK with the LC3 codec:

west config +nrf5340_audio

west update

I have tried with and without admin privilege's.

  • I am using NCS version 2.0.0

    It was installed with the toolchain manager (v1.0.0)

    Yes, I ran terminal from the drop down menu option within the tool manager.

    Last login: Fri Jun 17 10:41:29 on ttys001
    michaelbester@Michaels-Mac-mini ~ % export PATH=/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/v2.0.0/bin:/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/v2.0.0/usr/bin:/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/v2.0.0/usr/local/bin:/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/v2.0.0/opt/bin:/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/v2.0.0/opt/nanopb/generator-bin:/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/v2.0.0/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin:$PATH
    michaelbester@Michaels-Mac-mini ~ % export GIT_EXEC_PATH=/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/v2.0.0/Cellar/git/2.32.0_1/libexec/git-core
    michaelbester@Michaels-Mac-mini ~ % export GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR=/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/v2.0.0/Cellar/git/2.32.0_1/share/git-core/templates
    michaelbester@Michaels-Mac-mini ~ % export ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/v2.0.0/opt/zephyr-sdk
    michaelbester@Michaels-Mac-mini ~ %                 cd /opt/nordic/ncs/v2.0.0
    michaelbester@Michaels-Mac-mini v2.0.0 %                 clear
    michaelbester@Michaels-Mac-mini v2.0.0 % west config +nrf5340_audio
    michaelbester@Michaels-Mac-mini v2.0.0 % west update
    === updating zephyr (zephyr):
    HEAD is now at 0a904d0c17 [nrf fromlist] tfm: Add option for implementation custom reset handler with TF-M
    === updating mcuboot (bootloader/mcuboot):
    HEAD is now at 129b6312 [nrf noup] bootutil: loader: Add check for netcore addr if NSIB enabled
    === updating mbedtls-nrf (mbedtls):
    HEAD is now at b36261c55 [nrf noup]: Fix unset key bits for nrf_cc3xx v0.9.14
    === updating nrfxlib (nrfxlib):
    HEAD is now at 1296d445 doc: version update for NCS 2.0.0
    === updating trusted-firmware-m (modules/tee/tf-m/trusted-firmware-m):
    HEAD is now at cf76972f [nrf toup] SPM: Call tfm_core_panic instead of halt for access violation
    === updating tfm-mcuboot (modules/tee/tfm-mcuboot):
    HEAD is now at 4aa516e7 Bump versions for v1.7.2
    === updating matter (modules/lib/matter):
    HEAD is now at 2a120900e [nrf noup] Always set UPDATEABLE_IMAGE_NUMBER=2 for nRF53
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/nlio/repo'
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/nlassert/repo'
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/pigweed/repo'
    === updating cjson (modules/lib/cjson):
    HEAD is now at c6af068 [nrf fromtree] fix: potential memory leak in merge_patch() (#611)
    === updating sdk-lc3 (modules/lib/lc3):
    --- sdk-lc3: fetching, need revision c47d9ee21c9cd8626a903c2e2f0c80c0920a1eb8
    Username for '': besterm
    Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
    remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.
    remote: Please see for more information.
    fatal: Authentication failed for ''
    === updating cmock (test/cmock):
    M	vendor/unity
    HEAD is now at 9d09289 Merge pull request #346 from ThrowTheSwitch/reapply_329
    === updating unity (test/cmock/vendor/unity):
    HEAD is now at 74cde08 Merge pull request #540 from numaru/master
    === updating zcbor (modules/lib/zcbor):
    HEAD is now at 3d36ae1 include: Define variables to avoid rvalue address errors
    === updating memfault-firmware-sdk (modules/lib/memfault-firmware-sdk):
    HEAD is now at b7eea3b Memfault Firmware SDK 0.29.1 (Build 412506)
    === updating cirrus (modules/hal/cirrus-logic):
    HEAD is now at 9f6b381 sdk-mcu-drivers: Added build system configs and generated files
    === updating canopennode (modules/lib/canopennode):
    HEAD is now at 53d3415 Merge pull request #5 from teslabs/module-name
    === updating chre (modules/lib/chre):
    HEAD is now at 0edfe2c2 Merge pull request #1 from yperess/zephyr
    === updating civetweb (modules/lib/civetweb):
    HEAD is now at 094aeb41 cmake: relax minimum version requirements
    === updating cmsis (modules/hal/cmsis):
    HEAD is now at ed63b70 NN: Integrate CMSIS-NN (CMSIS 5.8.0)
    === updating edtt (tools/edtt):
    HEAD is now at 1ea61a3 Fixing error in DLE test cases
    === updating fatfs (modules/fs/fatfs):
    HEAD is now at 9237454 fat_fs: Add support for the "win" variable alignment in FATFS struct
    === updating hal_nordic (modules/hal/nordic):
    HEAD is now at a85bb36 nrfx: doc: remove references to nrfx_atomic Doxygen group
    === updating hal_st (modules/hal/st):
    HEAD is now at 575de9d sensor/stmemsc: Align stmemsc i/f to v2.00
    === updating libmetal (modules/hal/libmetal):
    HEAD is now at c6efe09 lib: update libmetal to SHA 695d29ba60a5
    === updating liblc3codec (modules/lib/liblc3codec):
    HEAD is now at 3951cf1 Add liblc3 as a zephyr module
    === updating littlefs (modules/fs/littlefs):
    HEAD is now at 7b2cf4b zephyr: move CMake glue code for building as a module into Zephyr
    === updating loramac-node (modules/lib/loramac-node):
    HEAD is now at 12019623 zephyr: radio: sx127x: override buffer read/write functions
    === updating lvgl (modules/lib/gui/lvgl):
    HEAD is now at a2e17073 fix(script): in lv_conf_internal fix some widget dependencies when using Kconfig (#3119)
    === updating lz4 (modules/lib/lz4):
    HEAD is now at 8e303c2 zephyr: make this repo a zephyr module
    === updating mbedtls (modules/crypto/mbedtls):
    HEAD is now at 3e3e58a92 mbedtls: remove static keyword from certain function pointers
    === updating mipi-sys-t (modules/debug/mipi-sys-t):
    HEAD is now at 2f51407 library: add sending catalog msgs with prepared argument lists
    === updating nanopb (modules/lib/nanopb):
    HEAD is now at d148bd2 Add zephyr module support
    === updating net-tools (tools/net-tools):
    HEAD is now at f49bd13 net-capture: Listen captured traffic and save to pcap file
    === updating nrf_hw_models (modules/bsim_hw_models/nrf_hw_models):
    HEAD is now at b8cea37 Added overflow event handling and trigger overflow task
    === updating open-amp (modules/lib/open-amp):
    HEAD is now at cfd050f lib: update open-amp lib to release v2021.10.0
    === updating openthread (modules/lib/openthread):
    HEAD is now at e2a765599 Merge pull request #65 from edmont/pr/upmerge-20220513
    === updating segger (modules/debug/segger):
    HEAD is now at 3a52ab2 config: Use zephyr provided options
    === updating tinycbor (modules/lib/tinycbor):
    HEAD is now at 9e1f34b module: Deprecate TinyCBOR
    === updating tinycrypt (modules/crypto/tinycrypt):
    HEAD is now at 3e9a49d cmake: Fix conditional in root CMakeLists.txt
    === updating TraceRecorderSource (modules/debug/TraceRecorder):
    HEAD is now at e8ca3b6 Merge pull request #7 from tleksell-pe/trace_recorder_4.6.0_update
    === updating tf-m-tests (modules/tee/tf-m/tf-m-tests):
    HEAD is now at 5281418 Merge pull request #1 from SebastianBoe/merge_tfm-1.5
    === updating psa-arch-tests (modules/tee/tf-m/psa-arch-tests):
    HEAD is now at 4f45df5 Merge pull request #3 from joerchan/tfm-fix-wdt-timeout-zephyr
    === updating zscilib (modules/lib/zscilib):
    HEAD is now at 12bfe3f Merge pull request #28 from microbuilder/doccleanup
    ERROR: update failed for project sdk-lc3
    michaelbester@Michaels-Mac-mini v2.0.0 % 

  • Thank you for providing the information.

    I see from your log that it says the authentication failed for the sdk-lc3 repository.
    Could you perhaps try to run the update from the nRF Connect terminal in VSC - available in VSC by pressing ctrl + shift + p and searching for "shell"? This will allow you to add your github authentication to your VSC profile, which might bypass this problem.
    Try this, and let me know if it does not resolve your issue.

    Best regards,

  • Your suggestion worked.  I was able to get the repo and build the audio sample project.  Not sure why I doesn't work using the terminal from within the NRF tool manager.  At least I have a solution.  Thanks.

Reply Children
  • I'm happy to hear that you now have got it up and running, great! :) 

    I discussed the root cause of this with some colleagues and they told me that the NCS repositories as default does not support password authentication, which necessitates using personal access tokens instead.

    Please do not hesitate to open another ticket if you should encounter any other issues or questions in the future.

    Good luck with your development!

    Best regards,

  • No problem at all Michael, I am happy to help! Slight smile

    Best regards,

  • Hello, 

    In VSC tried to sync, after authentication sdk-lc3 on github not found. Please refer log.

    fatal: repository '' not found

    PS D:\nrf_setup\v2.0.0> west config +nrf5340_audio
    PS D:\nrf_setup\v2.0.0> west update
    === updating zephyr (zephyr):
    HEAD is now at 0a904d0c17 [nrf fromlist] tfm: Add option for implementation custom reset handler
    with TF-M
    === updating mcuboot (bootloader/mcuboot):
    HEAD is now at 129b6312 [nrf noup] bootutil: loader: Add check for netcore addr if NSIB enabled
    === updating mbedtls-nrf (mbedtls):
    HEAD is now at b36261c55 [nrf noup]: Fix unset key bits for nrf_cc3xx v0.9.14
    === updating nrfxlib (nrfxlib):
    HEAD is now at 1296d445 doc: version update for NCS 2.0.0
    === updating trusted-firmware-m (modules/tee/tf-m/trusted-firmware-m):
    HEAD is now at cf76972f [nrf toup] SPM: Call tfm_core_panic instead of halt for access violation
    === updating tfm-mcuboot (modules/tee/tfm-mcuboot):
    HEAD is now at 4aa516e7 Bump versions for v1.7.2
    === updating matter (modules/lib/matter):
    HEAD is now at 2a120900e [nrf noup] Always set UPDATEABLE_IMAGE_NUMBER=2 for nRF53
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/nlio/repo'
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/nlassert/repo'
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/pigweed/repo'
    === updating cjson (modules/lib/cjson):
    HEAD is now at c6af068 [nrf fromtree] fix: potential memory leak in merge_patch() (#611)
    === updating sdk-lc3 (modules/lib/lc3):
    --- sdk-lc3: fetching, need revision c47d9ee21c9cd8626a903c2e2f0c80c0920a1eb8
    Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt.
    remote: Repository not found.
    fatal: repository '' not found
    === updating cmock (test/cmock):
    HEAD is now at 9d09289 Merge pull request #346 from ThrowTheSwitch/reapply_329
    M vendor/unity
    === updating unity (test/cmock/vendor/unity):
    HEAD is now at 74cde08 Merge pull request #540 from numaru/master
    === updating zcbor (modules/lib/zcbor):
    HEAD is now at 3d36ae1 include: Define variables to avoid rvalue address errors
    === updating memfault-firmware-sdk (modules/lib/memfault-firmware-sdk):
    HEAD is now at b7eea3b Memfault Firmware SDK 0.29.1 (Build 412506)
    === updating cirrus (modules/hal/cirrus-logic):
    HEAD is now at 9f6b381 sdk-mcu-drivers: Added build system configs and generated files
    === updating canopennode (modules/lib/canopennode):
    HEAD is now at 53d3415 Merge pull request #5 from teslabs/module-name
    === updating chre (modules/lib/chre):
    HEAD is now at 0edfe2c2 Merge pull request #1 from yperess/zephyr
    === updating civetweb (modules/lib/civetweb):
    HEAD is now at 094aeb41 cmake: relax minimum version requirements
    === updating cmsis (modules/hal/cmsis):
    HEAD is now at ed63b70 NN: Integrate CMSIS-NN (CMSIS 5.8.0)
    === updating edtt (tools/edtt):
    HEAD is now at 1ea61a3 Fixing error in DLE test cases
    === updating fatfs (modules/fs/fatfs):
    HEAD is now at 9237454 fat_fs: Add support for the "win" variable alignment in FATFS struct
    === updating hal_nordic (modules/hal/nordic):
    HEAD is now at a85bb36 nrfx: doc: remove references to nrfx_atomic Doxygen group
    === updating hal_st (modules/hal/st):
    HEAD is now at 575de9d sensor/stmemsc: Align stmemsc i/f to v2.00
    === updating libmetal (modules/hal/libmetal):
    HEAD is now at c6efe09 lib: update libmetal to SHA 695d29ba60a5
    === updating liblc3codec (modules/lib/liblc3codec):
    HEAD is now at 3951cf1 Add liblc3 as a zephyr module
    === updating littlefs (modules/fs/littlefs):
    HEAD is now at 7b2cf4b zephyr: move CMake glue code for building as a module into Zephyr
    === updating loramac-node (modules/lib/loramac-node):
    HEAD is now at 12019623 zephyr: radio: sx127x: override buffer read/write functions
    === updating lvgl (modules/lib/gui/lvgl):
    HEAD is now at a2e17073 fix(script): in lv_conf_internal fix some widget dependencies when using
    Kconfig (#3119)
    === updating lz4 (modules/lib/lz4):
    HEAD is now at 8e303c2 zephyr: make this repo a zephyr module
    === updating mbedtls (modules/crypto/mbedtls):
    HEAD is now at 3e3e58a92 mbedtls: remove static keyword from certain function pointers
    === updating mipi-sys-t (modules/debug/mipi-sys-t):
    HEAD is now at 2f51407 library: add sending catalog msgs with prepared argument lists
    === updating nanopb (modules/lib/nanopb):
    HEAD is now at d148bd2 Add zephyr module support
    === updating net-tools (tools/net-tools):
    HEAD is now at f49bd13 net-capture: Listen captured traffic and save to pcap file
    === updating nrf_hw_models (modules/bsim_hw_models/nrf_hw_models):
    HEAD is now at b8cea37 Added overflow event handling and trigger overflow task
    === updating open-amp (modules/lib/open-amp):
    HEAD is now at cfd050f lib: update open-amp lib to release v2021.10.0
    === updating openthread (modules/lib/openthread):
    HEAD is now at e2a765599 Merge pull request #65 from edmont/pr/upmerge-20220513
    === updating segger (modules/debug/segger):
    HEAD is now at 3a52ab2 config: Use zephyr provided options
    === updating tinycbor (modules/lib/tinycbor):
    HEAD is now at 9e1f34b module: Deprecate TinyCBOR
    === updating tinycrypt (modules/crypto/tinycrypt):
    HEAD is now at 3e9a49d cmake: Fix conditional in root CMakeLists.txt
    === updating TraceRecorderSource (modules/debug/TraceRecorder):
    HEAD is now at e8ca3b6 Merge pull request #7 from tleksell-pe/trace_recorder_4.6.0_update
    === updating tf-m-tests (modules/tee/tf-m/tf-m-tests):
    HEAD is now at 5281418 Merge pull request #1 from SebastianBoe/merge_tfm-1.5
    === updating psa-arch-tests (modules/tee/tf-m/psa-arch-tests):
    HEAD is now at 4f45df5 Merge pull request #3 from joerchan/tfm-fix-wdt-timeout-zephyr
    === updating zscilib (modules/lib/zscilib):
    HEAD is now at 12bfe3f Merge pull request #28 from microbuilder/doccleanup
    ERROR: update failed for project sdk-lc3

    Please help to resolve it. Thanks.

  • Hello,

    It looks to me like you do not have access to the LC3 repository. Please reach out to your Regional Sales Manager about getting access, if you have not already.
    If you do not know who your regional sales manager is please send me a direct message with your location so that I may provide you with their contact information.

    If you have already been granted access, please open a separate ticket for this issue if the suggestions from me to michael did not resolve your issue as well.

    Best regards,
