Does MDK 8.15.0 include workaround for errata 136?

Hi there,

I think that I am seeing the repercussions of errata item 136 in my application. I abruptly turn on/off power several times to my board, and every once in a while the device will boot with a watchdog timer reset reason. I am using SDK 14.2.0 with SD 5.1.0

I do see in the errata documentation that a workaround has been implemented in MDK 8.13.0 and later, and in newer versions (8.44.0) of the MDK I see the workaround present in system_nrf52.c. However, in my project (which is using MDK 8.15.0) I do not see this workaround present in system_nrf52.c. Can you verify that this fix is indeed in MDK 8.15.0, and if it is, where does the fix reside?


  • Hi Matthew,

    The workaround is present in MDK 8.15.0. You can find it in line 159-163 in system_nrf52.c (or just search for "errata_136").

    Perhaps the problem is different, and that you do not clear the RESETREAS register? The register is cumulative, so if you only read you will see all the reset-reasons that has occurred since the last power-on reset. You can clear each flag by writing '1' to it. So therefor you typically read the register, then reset it by writing 0xFFFFFFFF afterwards, so that after the next reset (note that when the SoftDevice is enabled you cannot write directly to RESETREAS, but need to use sd_power_reset_reason_clr()).


  • Hi Matthew,

    The workaround is present in MDK 8.15.0. You can find it in line 159-163 in system_nrf52.c (or just search for "errata_136").

    Perhaps the problem is different, and that you do not clear the RESETREAS register? The register is cumulative, so if you only read you will see all the reset-reasons that has occurred since the last power-on reset. You can clear each flag by writing '1' to it. So therefor you typically read the register, then reset it by writing 0xFFFFFFFF afterwards, so that after the next reset (note that when the SoftDevice is enabled you cannot write directly to RESETREAS, but need to use sd_power_reset_reason_clr()).


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