I am trying to test eDRX function on 9160DK with modem_shell.
The command returns ok.
Modem FW version: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1 Device ID: nrf-351358811475208 Operator full name: "" Operator short name: "" Operator PLMN: "46692" Current cell id: 28846103 (0x01B82817) Current phy cell id: 214 Current band: 3 Current TAC: 12700 (0x319C) Current rsrp: 27: -114dBm Current snr: 23: -1dB Mobile network time and date: 22/07/14,06:06:48+32 PDP context info 1: CID: 0 PDN ID: 0 PDP context active: yes PDP type: IPV4V6 APN: internet.iot IPv4 MTU: 1500 IPv6 MTU: 1500 IPv4 address: IPv6 address: 2001:b400:e232:2d7c:7625:b63d:bce6:8597 IPv4 DNS address:, IPv6 DNS address: 2001:b000:168::1, 2001:b000:168::2 RRC mode: Idle LTE cell changed: ID: 28662797 (0x01B55C0D), PCI 71, Tracking area: 12700 (0x319C), Band: 3, RSRP: 21 (-120dBm), SNR: 15 (-9dB) mosh:~$ link edrx -x 0010 -e -m eDRX parameter update: eDRX: 163.839996, PTW: 2.560000 eDRX enabled RRC mode: Connected eDRX parameter update: eDRX: 20.480000, PTW: 2.560000 RRC mode: Idle LTE cell changed: ID: 28846103 (0x01B82817), PCI 214, Tracking area: 12700 (0x319C), Band: 3, RSRP: 26 (-115dBm), SNR: 23 (-1dB)
But when I check the PPK output, it seems that the modem stay in DRX state and never enter sleep.
And here is the trace log.
Please help to check what I did wrong.