QDEC sampleper 128/256us not working


Board : nRF52840 DK

SDK : NCS 2.0.0 (zephyr) or SDK 17.1.0

I test qdec example.

if I set sampleper value  256us/128us, NRF_QDEC_EVENT_SAMPLERDY Event is not raised on handler. (ncs 2.0.0, sdk 17.0.0 both)

above 512us is working well.

1. is Any issue about that?

2. on NCS 2.0.0, is there zephyr api about qdec? now i use nrfx.

Best Regards.


Parents Reply
  • Hello hbenchoi,

    I am glad to see that you were able to find the answers to your questions so fast yourself :) 
    For future reference it would be great if you included that information in your update, so that other forum users with a similar question can see the information you were looking for.

    Please do not hesitate to open another ticket if you should encounter any other issues or questions.

    Good luck with your development!

    Best regards,

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