Problem in connecting phone with thingy53

Hello everyone,

I am using Thingy53 device, For the first time when I switched on the device, The LED light blinked twice but since after that it is not blinking also, trying to connect my phone with the device by the device is not discoverable on Bluetooth.

It would be very kind if someone can please provide information about the same or please share the link if there is any demo video for the first time connecting a mobile with device.



  • Hello,

    The LED light blinked twice but since after that it is not blinking

    That's the how it works. Only after establishing the connection red LED will start to glow. How did you try connecting to your phone?
    You need to install either nRF Connect  or  nRF Edge Impulse for establishing a connection.

    There is no dedicated video which shows connecting with mobiles. But some part of this video(from 22:45) shows how to connect from the phone and see the sensor values in the phone.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    Yes, I tried searching the device and following the instruction as shown on the device, but it did not work. Also, I tried to switch off the device and then tried to switch it on, but it did not work and this time the LED was also not blinking. I am not sure what is the problem.

    1. Is there any method with which I can confirm that my device is charged or not?
    2. Also, is there any possibility to check that my device is ready to connect with Bluetooth?
    3. Can you please provide an instruction to connect the device with mobile?
    4. Also, can you please provide detailed instructions to update the firmware, as I am not sure even my device is updated with the new firmware or not?

    It would be very helpful if you can investigate the matter and provide your support on an urgent basis as my project is on hold due to the issue with the device.



  • Also, I tried connecting searching my device on nRF connect app or on  nRF Edge Impulse, it was never discoverable.



  • Hello,

    I have tried the following link:  

    to update the firmware, it seems like that now board has been updated and the Led has started blinking. The only problem that I am facing is connecting my phone with the device. I do not know what steps I am missing because of which my device is not able to detect the Edge impulse device through Bluetooth.

    Right now, the devices that are connected to my phone are:

    1. Nordic_LBS
    2. Mhsl-gateway-39-zmg3la35

    I do not know which step I am missing to connect my device.

    Could you please help me to connect the device to my phone through Bluetooth?



  • Hello,

    Did you try using nRF programmer app to update the firmware? If so were the app able to detect your device.
    Can you elaborate bit more on the project and how the other devices are connected to the phone?

    Divya_uni_ulm said:

    Right now, the devices that are connected to my phone are:

    1. Nordic_LBS
    2. Mhsl-gateway-39-zmg3la35

    I didn't get you well. Can you give me more details on this?

    Kind Regards,

