Problem in connecting phone with thingy53

Hello everyone,

I am using Thingy53 device, For the first time when I switched on the device, The LED light blinked twice but since after that it is not blinking also, trying to connect my phone with the device by the device is not discoverable on Bluetooth.

It would be very kind if someone can please provide information about the same or please share the link if there is any demo video for the first time connecting a mobile with device.



  • Hello,

    Glad to hear that it worked.
    It's not a compulsory thing that you need Android to work with Thingy53. You can work with both IOS and Android. The error you are getting is because the iPhone tries to reconnect using the information captured during the previous connection, but the peer is expecting something else. Can you try the option Remove/Forget the devices from your Bluetooth list (phone Bluetooth). Then try to connect from the nRf connect app.

    Yes you can use windows for working with Thingy53.It's well documented in our Developing with Thingy53 page.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    Glad to hear that it worked.
    It's not a compulsory thing that you need Android to work with Thingy53. You can work with both IOS and Android. The error you are getting is because the iPhone tries to reconnect using the information captured during the previous connection, but the peer is expecting something else. Can you try the option Remove/Forget the devices from your Bluetooth list (phone Bluetooth). Then try to connect from the nRf connect app.

    Yes you can use windows for working with Thingy53.It's well documented in our Developing with Thingy53 page.

    Kind Regards,


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