Perform NRF52840 OTA over the NRF9160 and UART


I am developing a BLE - LTE sensor gateway using the NRF9160DK.

I have written code for OTA updating the 9160 chip over LTE, but I am not sure how to update the NRF52840 side. Both those chips are connected via UART so I am guessing performing an OTA over UART for BLE would be the best approach but I am not sure how to go about it. 

Are there sw examples for these? I read a few related tickets on DevZone but they weren't super clear, could you provide the right documentation to get me started as well? 

Parents Reply
  • So does this also mean my NRF52840 code should also be Zephyr based? 

    In my project, I use a zephyr based project on nrf9160 and an SDK17 Softdevice based project on the bluetooth side, should I port my project to Zephyr to be able to use this example? Also, I don't see any nrf52840 based files in his commit, so that's the heavylifting I have to do, correct? Just want to make sure I understand the complexity of this so I can predict my timelines. :) 
