nRF5340 Upgrade of App and Net core firmware


I am using SDK 1.9.1 and nRF5340.


I am investigating the following scenario:

  • files containing the firmware upgrade for the app and/or net cores will be initially stored in the filesystem partition (extenal flash) as they are produced during the compilation phase (app_update.bin and net_core_app_update.bin);
  • on request, the upgrade of the app or net core will start;
  • the request will be handled by the firmware running in the app core: the request will specify the file to use for the upgrade;
  • the file containing the upgrade will be first validated; if validation is passed, the file will be copy into the mcuboot_secondary partition (external flash, but at the moment internal) and MCUBoot will take over the control of this phase and perform the upgrade of the core;
  • due a bug, i cannot used the external flash to store the new image of the app and net core, so at the moment internal flash will be used; but the final goal is to use the external spi flash.

Looking in the documentation and in some tickets, I understood that one possible way to do it would be to use the DFU taget library. Here below  the pseudo-code:

uint8_t buffer[1024] = {0};

(void)fileOpen("app_update.bin", READ_MODE, handle);

(void)fileRead(handle, &buffer[0], 4);    /* read the first 4 bytes at the beginning of the upgrade bin file */

int imageType = dfu_target_img_type(const void *const &buffer[0], sizeof(buffer));

/* imageType should be 0x01,  DFU_TARGET_IMAGE_TYPE_MCUBOOT */

uint32_t fileSize = fileSize("app_update.bin"); 

int ret = dfu_target_init(imageType, fileSize, NULL);

if (ret < 0) return;
uint32_t offset = 0;
    uint32_t bytesRead = fileRead(handle, offset, &buffer[0], sizeof(buffer)); 
    ret = dfu_target_write(&buffer[0], bytesRead);
    fileSize -= bytesRead;
	offset += bytesRead;
}while ((filesize > 0) && (ret > 0)); 

if ((filesize == 0) && (ret == 0))
	/*Reset the nRF5340 */

When the upgraded app firmware restarts, the function  boot_write_img_confirmed()  will be invoked.

Using the app nRF Connect Device Manager i am able to update both app and net core.

In my actual project i have defined only mcuboot_secondary partition.

I can see that with the app is possible to swap the firmware, instead with the netcore is not.


  1. is the reported approach correct ? If not, could you kindly indicate an example that suites my scenario ?
  2. Can it work also for the network core ? How do i specify the core to be updated ? Basically, doing the same thing that nRF Connect Device Manager does.
  3. Is there a function that perform the validation of the bin files before being copy in the DFU target ?
  4. I saw that there is DFU multi-image library. is there any example using that ? is the zip file produced during the compilation that need to be sent to the DFU target? 

Thanks in advance for your kind help.

Parents Reply
  • Would you be able to create a new ticket about this? This is because you don't mention non-simultaneous (not multi image DFU) netcore update using external flash in the initial post. You do ask about multi image DFU.

    If you create a new ticket, where the header and content is related to this specific issue, it will be easier for other developers to find it.

    Of course I will continue to work with this, just link to the new ticket in this ticket once created and I will assign it to myself.
