nRF5340 Upgrade of App and Net core firmware


I am using SDK 1.9.1 and nRF5340.


I am investigating the following scenario:

  • files containing the firmware upgrade for the app and/or net cores will be initially stored in the filesystem partition (extenal flash) as they are produced during the compilation phase (app_update.bin and net_core_app_update.bin);
  • on request, the upgrade of the app or net core will start;
  • the request will be handled by the firmware running in the app core: the request will specify the file to use for the upgrade;
  • the file containing the upgrade will be first validated; if validation is passed, the file will be copy into the mcuboot_secondary partition (external flash, but at the moment internal) and MCUBoot will take over the control of this phase and perform the upgrade of the core;
  • due a bug, i cannot used the external flash to store the new image of the app and net core, so at the moment internal flash will be used; but the final goal is to use the external spi flash.

Looking in the documentation and in some tickets, I understood that one possible way to do it would be to use the DFU taget library. Here below  the pseudo-code:

uint8_t buffer[1024] = {0};

(void)fileOpen("app_update.bin", READ_MODE, handle);

(void)fileRead(handle, &buffer[0], 4);    /* read the first 4 bytes at the beginning of the upgrade bin file */

int imageType = dfu_target_img_type(const void *const &buffer[0], sizeof(buffer));

/* imageType should be 0x01,  DFU_TARGET_IMAGE_TYPE_MCUBOOT */

uint32_t fileSize = fileSize("app_update.bin"); 

int ret = dfu_target_init(imageType, fileSize, NULL);

if (ret < 0) return;
uint32_t offset = 0;
    uint32_t bytesRead = fileRead(handle, offset, &buffer[0], sizeof(buffer)); 
    ret = dfu_target_write(&buffer[0], bytesRead);
    fileSize -= bytesRead;
	offset += bytesRead;
}while ((filesize > 0) && (ret > 0)); 

if ((filesize == 0) && (ret == 0))
	/*Reset the nRF5340 */

When the upgraded app firmware restarts, the function  boot_write_img_confirmed()  will be invoked.

Using the app nRF Connect Device Manager i am able to update both app and net core.

In my actual project i have defined only mcuboot_secondary partition.

I can see that with the app is possible to swap the firmware, instead with the netcore is not.


  1. is the reported approach correct ? If not, could you kindly indicate an example that suites my scenario ?
  2. Can it work also for the network core ? How do i specify the core to be updated ? Basically, doing the same thing that nRF Connect Device Manager does.
  3. Is there a function that perform the validation of the bin files before being copy in the DFU target ?
  4. I saw that there is DFU multi-image library. is there any example using that ? is the zip file produced during the compilation that need to be sent to the DFU target? 

Thanks in advance for your kind help.

Parents Reply
  • Sure. And sorry again for the big delay.

    I am interested in having the possiblity to revert to the old image of the firmware if the new one does not work (so it does not set itself as confirmed). As far as i have read this feature is:

    - available only for the App Core and not for the Net Core;

    - not available in the simultaneous upgrade;

    Could you kindly give me your feedback about this please ?

    Thanks in advance.

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