nrf_cloud/aws_iot: mqtt_connect, error: -104 on asset tracler app v2


I am trying to connect my own mosquito MQTT broker. I created certificates and I uploaded all certs through the LTE Link Monitor. I defined 

CONFIG_AWS_IOT_BROKER_HOST_NAME="" on asset_tracKerV2 project

But I am getting this error. 

[1;31m<err> aws_iot: mqtt_connect, error: -104

[1;31m<err> aws_iot: AWS broker connect failed -104

I tried to connect nrf cloud but I got the same error code.

I checked the certs are correct. when I  run this command I can see the correct communication. 

.\mosquitto_pub.exe --cafile C:\Users\zsen_\OneDrive\Desktop\mosquitto-tst\client\ca.crt --cert C:\Users\zsen_\OneDrive\Desktop\mosquitto-tst\client\client.crt --key C:\Users\zsen_\OneDrive\Desktop\mosquitto-tst\client\client.key -h -p 8883 -t test -m "hello" -I d:sadasdasd:555

Thank you.

  • Hello,

    have you tried connecting to the broker using mqtt_simple instead?

  • Yes, there was the same error. but when I disable TLS support for socket MQTT Library in the mqtt simple project
    I successfully established comms between dk board and my own mosquito server. 

  • Can you include some more information, like code and config files. Also, can you include logs for MQTT?

  • The code was exactly the same I didn't change anything on the mqtt simple app. so I just enabled TLS support feature from the config file. everything else was the same. 

    this one is from the mqtt simple app.

    this one is from the asset tracker:

    2022-08-31T23:48:06.784Z DEBUG modem << +CSCON: 1
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.212Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:52.184,265] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.220Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:52.185,668] [1;33m<wrn> cloud_module: Cloud connection establishment in progress[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.229Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:52.185,699] [1;33m<wrn> cloud_module: New connection attempt in 256 seconds if not successful[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.236Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:52.185,852] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTING[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.490Z DEBUG modem << her 2222222222
    2022-08-31T23:48:08.496Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:53.469,116] [1;31m<err> nrf_cloud: nRF cloud connect failed -104[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:08.502Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:53.469,207] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTING[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:12.984Z DEBUG modem << +CSCON: 0
    2022-08-31T23:48:13.335Z DEBUG modem << %CESQ: 45,2,24,3
    2022-08-31T23:48:15.119Z DEBUG modem << %CESQ: 45,2,19,2

  • The code was exactly the same I didn't change anything on the mqtt simple app. so I just enabled TLS support feature from the config file. everything else was the same. 

    this one is from the mqtt simple app.

    this one is from the asset tracker:

    2022-08-31T23:48:06.784Z DEBUG modem << +CSCON: 1
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.212Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:52.184,265] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.220Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:52.185,668] [1;33m<wrn> cloud_module: Cloud connection establishment in progress[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.229Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:52.185,699] [1;33m<wrn> cloud_module: New connection attempt in 256 seconds if not successful[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.236Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:52.185,852] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTING[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:07.490Z DEBUG modem << her 2222222222
    2022-08-31T23:48:08.496Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:53.469,116] [1;31m<err> nrf_cloud: nRF cloud connect failed -104[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:08.502Z DEBUG modem << [00:03:53.469,207] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTING[0m
    2022-08-31T23:48:12.984Z DEBUG modem << +CSCON: 0
    2022-08-31T23:48:13.335Z DEBUG modem << %CESQ: 45,2,24,3
    2022-08-31T23:48:15.119Z DEBUG modem << %CESQ: 45,2,19,2
