not able to send more the 20 bytes using bt_gatt_notify api

i am using SDK 1.9.1 to notify data  to peripheral to central device i am using ''bt_gatt_notify " api to send data to mobile but i am able to send only 20 bytes data to central device ,but my requirement i am getting packets from MCU  with 240 bytes each pkt ,but i am not able to transmit full pkt once data i am splitting the pkt 20 bytes  and sending but the requirement is need to send pkt by pkt continually please help to solve the problem.   

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    We usually refer to our throughput sample found in ncs\nrf\samples\bluetooth\throughput. However, there are a lot of configs from the prj.conf file in that sample. 

    madhurubharath said:
    please suggest any other method  to transmit data

    You still want to use that API, but you want to ensure that you actually have a higher MTU. Please check this ticket for more info on how to increase the MTU size in a connection. 

    Best regards,

