mcumgr image confirm returns error 3 while following the "Add DFU support to your application" walk-through (serial DFU)

Add DFU support to your application walk-through
Serial DFU chapter
Fails on a nRF52840 DK (with one HW change)
With error 3 on image confirm using mcumgr

All the previous steps seem fine.

nrf connect sdk 2.1.0

I tried increasing stack sizes with no success.

I ensured that the flash is fully erased before the first flash in case
Like in the walk-through, I did just rebuild the hello world sample to change the signature

The change I did to the nRF52840 DK, in case this could be of any effect
HW : disconnect the 32.768Khz quartz, reroute the wires so that P0.00 and P0.01 are the new USART0, pass through USB CDC
FW :
create an overlay to set the uart0 on P0.00 and P0.01
add to the prj.conf to run without the quartz 32.768Khz
# No 32.768Khz Quartz

I was able to run several other samples with this config with no problems.

Looking at the mcumgr source code
Error 3 seems to be LOG_MGMT_ERR_EINVAL in the mcumgr source code. May have to do with cbor_read_object or cbor_write_attr

Here are the logs

D:\ndapp\serial_dfu\build\zephyr>mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring "COM7,baud=115200" image test 636ec254a624a4dd554ea46c4f04a7bda19b8f1fa88f374b701d9421b8712b96
image=0 slot=0
version: 0.0.0
bootable: true
flags: active confirmed
hash: 74ec5b3cb343075a73fe5f179e94c80cd2c8bf886a8687ac32828fbb23e6906e
image=0 slot=1
version: 0.0.0
bootable: true
flags: pending
hash: 636ec254a624a4dd554ea46c4f04a7bda19b8f1fa88f374b701d9421b8712b96
Split status: N/A (0)

D:\ndapp\serial_dfu\build\zephyr>mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring "COM7,baud=115200" reset

// NRF Connect RTT properly logs the Hello World, with a new compilation time, confirming that the active slot is the one we wanted

D:\ndapp\serial_dfu\build\zephyr>mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring "COM7,baud=115200" image list
image=0 slot=0
version: 0.0.0
bootable: true
flags: active
hash: 636ec254a624a4dd554ea46c4f04a7bda19b8f1fa88f374b701d9421b8712b96
image=0 slot=1
version: 0.0.0
bootable: true
flags: confirmed
hash: 74ec5b3cb343075a73fe5f179e94c80cd2c8bf886a8687ac32828fbb23e6906e
Split status: N/A (0)

D:\ndapp\serial_dfu\build\zephyr>mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring "COM7,baud=115200" image confirm
Error: 3

// NRF Connect VSCode or no NRF connect connected, same problem.

D:\ndapp\serial_dfu\build\zephyr>mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring "COM7,baud=115200" image list
image=0 slot=0
version: 0.0.0
bootable: true
flags: active
hash: 636ec254a624a4dd554ea46c4f04a7bda19b8f1fa88f374b701d9421b8712b96
image=0 slot=1
version: 0.0.0
bootable: true
flags: confirmed
hash: 74ec5b3cb343075a73fe5f179e94c80cd2c8bf886a8687ac32828fbb23e6906e
Split status: N/A (0)

// yep, no change

I am stuck.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Can you try this simple sample on your custom board, to see if the command works with this? 

    In general, I would recommend you to not modify the source files in nRF Connect SDK, outside of your project. The overlay configs should be put in project_folder/child_image/mcuboot.conf, not in D:/ncs/v2.1.0/bootloader/mcuboot/boot/zephyr/mcuboot.overlay.

    You can check the changes you have made to the repositories by running git status or git diff inside each of the repositories (e.g. bootloader, nrf, zephyr, etc).

    Best regards,

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