Unable to program a blank nrf52840

What I'm working on:

I'm working on a small project using this nrf52840 module:


Access to source:

If it helps to understand my issue, all the design files including output gerbers are available here:


I basically copied the 52840 Dongle as close as I could.

My problem:

I'm trying to do my first "hello world" communication to the chip on the SWD bus through a:

pyocd client -> CMSIS-DAP firmware -> MAX32625PICO -> nRF52840.

I get this error:

Exception while initing board: No ACK received


$ pyocd commander -c reset -vvvvv
0000664 D Project directory: /home/fgervais/personal/project-nrf-princess-dress/application [session]
0000668 D Loading config from: /home/fgervais/personal/project-nrf-princess-dress/application/pyocd.yaml [session]
0000675 D Project directory: /home/fgervais/personal/project-nrf-princess-dress/application [session]
0000675 D Loading config from: /home/fgervais/personal/project-nrf-princess-dress/application/pyocd.yaml [session]
0000700 D CMSIS-DAP v2 probe 0000008078b1036600000000000000000000000097969906: firmware version 0257, protocol version 2.1.0 [dap_access_cmsis_dap]
0000706 I Target type is nrf52840 [board]
0000728 D Running task load_svd [sequencer]
0000728 D Running task pre_connect [sequencer]
0000728 D Running task dp_init [sequencer]
0000728 D Running task lock_probe [sequencer]
0000728 D Running task get_probe_capabilities [sequencer]
0000728 D Running task connect [sequencer]
0000735 D Default wire protocol selected; using SWD [dap]
Exception while initing board: No ACK received

What I did so far:

- I'm applying 5v to the VDDH, I get 1.8v out at the VDD.
- The P0.18 pin is pulled high but I don't think it matters on a blank chip.
- I see SWDIO pulled high and SWDCLK pulled low when idle.
- When communicating, the SWD signals look good but I also try lowering the clock speed from 1MHz to 100KHz to see if that would help. It doesn't.

My question:

- Any idea what I could try next?
