Board: nRF5340dk
SDK version: v2.1.0
My goal is to transmit 240 bytes of data every 5 ms using GATT notifications and 1 Mb PHY.
In the attached sample, I have my dev kit set up to notify on a characteristic every 5 ms. The connection interval is set to 10 ms, the MTU to 247 bytes, and the data length to 251 bytes. My thought is to fit 240 bytes into a single PDU, and send 2 notification packets per connection interval. I also toggle GPIO P0.04 before and after calling `bt_gatt_notify_cb`.
Looking at a logic analyzer trace of P0.04, I can see that while this setup initially works, eventually `bt_gatt_notify_cb` starts blocking for longer than expected. This happens around 14.5 seconds into the attached capture.
Wireshark capture also attached.
Why is `bt_gatt_notify_cb` blocking this long, and do you have any suggestions to improve the setup?