VS Code Zephyr Blinky programming but not working (precomplied non Zephyr hex works)

Can someone help me with a Zephyr compiled blinky hex file please?

My Hardware is a loose standing module setup similar to NRF52833 DK. (same led_0)

NRF5 Sdk hex file works but when I follow the VS Code Startup video tutorial the device programs ok but the LED does not blink.

Only issue I saw in the terminal is attached.

What am I doing wrong? How do I fix the "boards subdirectory" issue?

Strongly starting to consider SES now but I prefer VS Code.

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  • Hi,

    In VS Code go to Settings (Make sure you have selected Workspace settings at the top) > Extensions > nRF Connect, and you have a setting called Board Roots. Here you see an example where I have a board root directory C:\nordic:

    Which looks like this:

    ├── boards
    │   └── arm
    │       └── my_custom_board
    │             ├── custom_board.dts
    │             └── custom_board_defconfig
    │ └── ...

    This is only necessary for custom boards. Boards that are located under nrf/boards and zephyr/boards are automatically added.

    Best regards,

