Default system heap listener

How can a heap listener be used on the system heap?  That is, the system heap that is used for k_malloc() and k_free(), with size set in kconfig as follows.  The kconfig to enable the listener is also added

CONFIG_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE=/* size in bytes */

In particular, I'm trying to find out what _heap_id should be used with the macros

HEAP_LISTENER_ALLOC_DEFINE(name, _heap_id, _alloc_cb)
HEAP_LISTENER_FREE_DEFINE(name, _heap_id, _free_cb)

I tried using "HEAP_ID_LIBC" for the _heap_id in the above listener define macros.  It builds, but no calls to the _alloc_cb or _free_cb functions occur, despite many uses of k_malloc() and k_free().  I would assume HEAP_ID_LIBC is for C library calls with malloc() and free(), and not the Zephyr memory pool heap functions k_malloc() and k_free().

What should be used for the heap ID with the heap memory pool?  Is there an example of using the heap listener API?

Thank you,


  • Hello,

    Not tried it myself, but I suggest to check out the documentaiton and the test example for the heap: 

    Best regards,

  • /*
     * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
     * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    #include <zephyr.h>
    #include <drivers/gpio.h>
    #include <zephyr/sys/heap_listener.h>
    /* 1000 msec = 1 sec */
    #define SLEEP_TIME_MS   5000
    /* The devicetree node identifier for the "led0" alias. */
    #define LED0_NODE DT_ALIAS(led0)
    void main_heap_listener_alloc_cbh(uintptr_t heap_id, void *mem, size_t bytes);
    void main_heap_listener_free_cbh(uintptr_t heap_id, void *mem, size_t bytes);
    //**SYSHP static struct sys_heap listener_heap;
    //**SYSHP static void *heapmem[1024];
    /* using defined system heap */
    //**SYSHP HEAP_LISTENER_ALLOC_DEFINE(AllocListener, HEAP_ID_FROM_POINTER(&listener_heap), main_heap_listener_alloc_cbh);
    //**SYSHP HEAP_LISTENER_FREE_DEFINE(FreeListener, HEAP_ID_FROM_POINTER(&listener_heap), main_heap_listener_free_cbh);
    /* using default system heap */
    HEAP_LISTENER_ALLOC_DEFINE(AllocListener, HEAP_ID_LIBC, main_heap_listener_alloc_cbh);
    HEAP_LISTENER_FREE_DEFINE(FreeListener, HEAP_ID_LIBC, main_heap_listener_free_cbh);
    void main_heap_listener_alloc_cbh(uintptr_t heap_id, void *mem, size_t bytes)
        printk("=> Allocate %i <=\n", bytes);
    } // main_heap_listener_alloc_cbh()
    void main_heap_listener_free_cbh(uintptr_t heap_id, void *mem, size_t bytes)
        printk("=> Free %i <=\n", bytes);
    } // main_heap_listener_free_cbh()
     * A build error on this line means your board is unsupported.
     * See the sample documentation for information on how to fix this.
    static const struct gpio_dt_spec led = GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET(LED0_NODE, gpios);
    void main(void)
    	int ret;
        /* init system heap */
    //**SYSHP     sys_heap_init(&listener_heap, heapmem, 1024);
        /* Register heap listeners */
        printk("Registered heap listeners..\n");
    	if (!device_is_ready(led.port)) {
    	ret = gpio_pin_configure_dt(&led, GPIO_OUTPUT_ACTIVE);
    	if (ret < 0) {
    //**SYSHP     void *mem = sys_heap_alloc(&listener_heap, 32U);
        void *mem = k_malloc(32);  /* default heap */
        char *str = (char*)mem;
        str[0] = 'h';
    //**SYSHP     sys_heap_free(&listener_heap, mem);
        k_free(mem);        /* default heap */
    	while (1) {
    		ret = gpio_pin_toggle_dt(&led);
    		if (ret < 0) {


    Thank you for the reply.  That heap test source was very helpful for understanding using the system heap and heap listener.

    I took the blinky example:

    and added a defined system heap and listeners to it.  I updated the prj.conf as follows:

    # System heap

    And the main.c per the attached file.  I got the listeners working with the defined system heap, "listener_heap", and would see the following on the console:
    *** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.0.99-ncs1-1 ***
    Registered heap listeners..
    => Allocate 36 <=
    => Free 36 <=

    I then commented out the defined heap lines using //**SYSHP, and changed the listener define macros  HEAP_LISTENER_ALLOC_DEFINE & HEAP_LISTENER_FREE_DEFINE to use the default heap ID, 

    I then changed the allocation and free lines to use the default heap:
    //**SYSHP     void *mem = sys_heap_alloc(&listener_heap, 32U);
        void *mem = k_malloc(32);  /* default heap */
        char *str = (char*)mem;
        str[0] = 'h';
    //**SYSHP     sys_heap_free(&listener_heap, mem);
        k_free(mem);        /* default heap *

     However, I can't get the listeners to work with the default heap.  Is there some other part of the setup for the default heap this is missing?



  • Good question, don't know, we don't have much experience with this kernel api in specific. I suggest to direct this question to the zephyr support, for instance the zephyr discord channel: 

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    I am facing the same issue. Have you found a solution?


  • Hi Jason,

    Unfortunately I have not.  I posted to the Zephyr users mailing list but got no replies.  Perhaps you might reply adding that you are also facing the same issue?

    Regrettably, poor support is often a hallmark of open source software.


