nrf9160 Custom Board connectivity to nrf cloud

Dear Nordic devzone community,

I am using nrf connect SDK version 1.8.0 for the asset tracker and 2.0.2 for AT client. IDE is Vscode Studio.

I have designed a custom board using nRF9160 and I am able to send and read out certain AT commands which confirms to me that most of the embedded part of the design functions fine.

1)Now in order to use the dashboard of nordic cloud I need to get the IMEI and Pin #, this is normally on the DK indicated with the sticker.

I am able to get the IMEI # by AT+CGSN command, now the issue is how to get 6 digits PIN # ?

2)To connect with the LTE Link monitor with my custom board I am using a Serial to USB converter (FTDI), the LTE Link monitor does not recognize this device. You can see that in the attached images. however, if I open my COMport I can send and receive AT commands..

3)The same is the case with the programmer, I want to load the certificates and modem firmware on a custom board nrf9160 chip .as you can see in the attached image.

4)Custom Board is replying to the AT commands as mentioned in the attached image but not responding to the AT+CPIN command to recognize the SIM. I have attached the schematic of the custom board as well.

A few observations while debugging the HW 

a)1.8V output to SIM card is not provided by NRF9160(using the asset tracker FW, which is provided to the DK)

b)What we left open is DETECT pin from nrf9160. But the 1.8V output pin from NRF9160 is still connected to the SIM card connector.

I followed the following links 

 Programming/Debugging nRF9160 SiP on custom board

 nrf9160 custom board AT client not working 

 Getting HWID nRF9160 custom HW board and using LTE LINK monitor with custom Hardware 

Thanks in Advance,

Best Regards,

Muhammad Usman


If anything is unclear please let me know then I can send more information or support with additional attachments.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Charlie, 

    Thank you so much for the support! 

    Now modem firmware is upgraded to v1.2.8 as suggested by you.

    I  followed the link for connection between the nrf9160DK and Mikroe(LTE-iot-4 CLick) to upload the modem firmware

    for reference this is also valid 

    The purpose of testing this board was to debug the issue I faced with my custom board.

    My connectivity with the LTE IoT 4 Click board is:

    I was making a mistake that I was selecting my target board via FTDI. I should have to upload the modem via DK . Because it was acting as a debugger.

    The second issue is, as you suggested to load the SLM and run the AT commands. I did that but got no response from the modem.Means when i press AT and press Enter then get no OK from modem. So I again loaded the asset tracker firmware with updated modem firmware but still faced the same issue. I pasted the log of the asset tracker here.

    [00:01:03.560,638] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: LTE cell changed: Cell ID: 90084118, Tracking area: 13801<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:03.623,809] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: RRC mode: Connected<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:15.484,497] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: RRC mode: Idle<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:25.591,613] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: RRC mode: Connected<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:29.817,291] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: Network registration status: Connected - roaming<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01[00:01:29.826,721] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: PSM parameter update: TAU: 1152000, Active time: 20<ESC><CR><LF>
    :29.825,958] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: Connected to LTE network.<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:29.841,796] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: Connecting to cloud, attempt 1 of 8<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:29.849,243] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: Cloud connection request sent.<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:29.856,231] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: Connection response timeout is set to 30 seconds.<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:29.864,990] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: DATE_TIME_OBTAINED_MODEM<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:29.871,429] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud.nfsm_set_current_state_and_notify: state: 1<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:29.879,150] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud.api_event_handler: NRF_CLOUD_EVT_TRANSPORT_CONNECTING<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:29.887,725] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTING<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:30.090,209] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud_transport.nct_connect: IPv4 address:<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:30.098,510] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud_transport.nct_mqtt_connect: MQTT clean session flag: 1<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:30.817,443] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: DATE_TIME_OBTAINED_MODEM<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:32.106,231] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud_transport.nct_mqtt_connect: Using socket send timeout of 60 seconds<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:32.116,027] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud.nrf_cloud_run: Cloud connection request sent<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.264,678] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud_transport.nct_mqtt_evt_handler: MQTT_EVT_DISCONNECT: result = -128<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.274,353] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud.nfsm_set_current_state_and_notify: state: 1<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.282,104] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud.api_event_handler: NRF_CLOUD_EVT_TRANSPORT_DISCONNECTED<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.290,863] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: CLOUD_EVT_DISCONNECTED: 1<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.297,424] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: Disconnected by the cloud.<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.304,077] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: This can occur during initial nRF Cloud provisioning.<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.313,140] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: Attempting reconnect in 10 seconds...<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.320,800] <ESC><err> nrf_cloud_transport: MQTT input error: -128<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.327,880] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud.nfsm_set_current_state_and_notify: state: 1<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.335,632] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud.api_event_handler: NRF_CLOUD_EVT_TRANSPORT_DISCONNECTED<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.344,390] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: CLOUD_EVT_DISCONNECTED: 1<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.350,952] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: Disconnected by the cloud.<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.357,635] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: This can occur if the device has the wrong nRF Cloud certificates<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.367,736] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: or if the device has been removed from nRF Cloud.<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.376,434] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: Attempting reconnect in 480 seconds...<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:34.384,155] <ESC><dbg> nrf_cloud.nrf_cloud_run: The cloud socket is already closed<ESC><CR><LF>
    [00:01:37.677,368] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: RRC mode: Idle<ESC><CR><LF>

    Should I run the at commands on asset tracker FW? Will it help you to diagnose the issue?

    Thanks & Regards,

    Muhammad Usman

  • Hi Muhammad,

    For the SLM communication, can you use Termite with the following configuration to make sure CL+LF is attached at the end of each command?

    You will get something like

    Let's continue with assert tracker v2 if you get a similar result.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Charlie,

    Thank you again for the help!

    I tried with SLM but still no response.

    So I tried with Asset Tracker here is the response!

    12/6/2022 03:55:42.527 [TX] - at<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:55:43.399 [RX] - OK<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:07.015 [TX] - AT+CFUN=4<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:08.567 [RX] - [00:00:52.586,761] <ESC><inf> asset_tracker: LTE cell changed: Cell ID: -1, Tracking area: 65534<ESC><CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:23.217 [TX] - AT+CFUN?<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:24.257 [RX] - +CFUN: 4<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:33.733 [TX] - AT%XSYSTEMMODE=1,0,0,0<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:34.539 [RX] - OK<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:41.843 [TX] - AT+CEREG=5<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:42.686 [RX] - OK<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:49.668 [TX] - AT+CFUN=1<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:50.515 [RX] - OK<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:57.845 [TX] - AT+CFUN?<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:56:58.672 [RX] - +CFUN: 1<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:57:07.657 [TX] - AT#XPING="",45,5000,5,1000<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:57:09.727 [RX] - [00:01:53.734,619] <ESC><err> at_host: Error while processing AT command: -8<ESC><CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:57:21.462 [TX] - AT#XPING="",45,5000,5,1000<CR><LF>
    12/6/2022 03:57:23.537 [RX] - [00:02:07.544,525] <ESC><err> at_host: Error while processing AT command: -8<ESC><CR><LF>

    Thanks & Regards,

    Muhammad Usman
