RTC (Real Time Clock) support


We are looking to use nRF5340 device in our new design. We need RTC (Real Time clock) feature with this design.

Does nRF5340 device support RTC (Real Time Clock). nRF5340 supports only Real Time counters. 

Best Regards


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Can you please update regarding below points for nRF5340 device.

    1. Can we use any GPIO (output) as power source for any device power supply for low power application      when power supply current is required <1mA.

    2. What will be max current required for any GPIO input (configured as input) when input is at high level.

    3. What will be max current required for any GPIO (configured as input) when input is at low level.
    4. What will be max current required for ADC input.

    Best regards
