GFX example


I am testing the nrf_GFX example with ST7735 

but the example has a ST7735 128x 160 and i have  St7735 80 x 160, I Change de dimentions in sdk_config.h

in the main I changed this 

I changed nrf_lcd_ili9341 to nrf_lcd_st7735

but dont works , i am thinking is the circuit connections or in the program, could you help me?, is there a secret? , i thought is change the lcd dimensions only

nrf52                      LCD

p1.6 mosi.............. sda

p1.0 clk................. sclk

p0.3 CD...............   cd

?          ................  res

?    ........................  cs

?      .....................  blk          

thanks and regards

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi 

    Good work, getting something to show on the display at all is an important step. Then at least you know the basic communication is working properly Slight smile

    Most likely something is wrong with the configuration of the display, such as the rotation, if the graphics is not ending up in the right place. 

    If the color is incorrect it is usually an issue if the color mode, which is different from display to display. 

    Best regards
